OK, I accept your opinion and view point, but we will just have to wait and see if American's really care when November 2012 rolls around..:grin:
Also, I never said that Ford bought Mazda so they could sell vehicles in the US...They had been doing that for years. Yes Ford bought up most of Mazda because they were sinking as was Volvo and Jaguar... but Ford sold off their interest because they were not making the money they expected...and I am not saying that there is anything wrong with Mazda, Volvo, or Jaguar.
My point, which you helped me prove by Ford selling off some of their excess divisions, is that GM, with all it's divisions, is a much larger corporation and I would expect them to sell more vehicles. That does not directly equate to the American public approving of GM and Chrysler taking BailOut money, they are just going to buy the vehicle that best suits their budget and needs. It does not mean they have forgoten or don't care about the Bailout,
just because they continue to buy GM or Chrysler products. They had no choice in the debate regarding the BailOut and so there was little they can do. I'm sure some are happy that they are getting a good deal on a GM vehicle. and others may feel they are sticking it to GM. But those sales only represent a small portion of the voting public. When the elections come in 2012, I think the American voters will have "Total Recall" about the BailOut and there will be some politicians on the unemployment line...:bwahaha: