Ford says use only synthetic blend vice full synthetic

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Ken Stewart

Active Member
Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Set up my 20K service for this coming weekend. While on the phone, I asked about when to change over to synthetic vice regular crude ... technician said Ford says to only use synthetic blend and not pure synthetic. He also said it may void warranty if I go full synthetic. I don't have the first clue about which is better so someone in the know hit me w/some info please :D
Synthetic meets and exceeds all Ford requirements. The tech probably told you this because thats all they stock....

Todd Z
I can see them saying that. Not that it holds any merit. Don't worry about it. If you want to put full syn. in do it. I use the Motorcraft Premium in mine (syn. blend) from Walmart for about 2.09 a quart. Only because it's cheaper than full syn. and I didn't notice a difference in gas mileage when running to two different oils.;)
I use synthetic since the second oil change in every vehicle I have ever owned. And in most cases, the dealership did the work.

I am thinking that is all they had in stock as well..
I have been running Mobil-1 in my 2003 Sport Trac since the first oil change at 3000 miles.

I also use Mobil-1 in my wife's Saturn since it's first oil change at about 3000 miles.

I used Mobil-1 in my 2001 Sport Trac when it went over 10K miles .

In all cases the vehcies all ran fine on synthetic oils and gave a slight improvment in gas mileage. Mobil-1 is available everywhere are very resonable prices for a synthetic, and it meets all the API service specs and the manufacturers specs.

Anyone who said that using synthetic oil would void your warranty needs to be called on the carpet to back up that statement, or make a full retraction.

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act clearly states that you can use any oil or filter that meets the manufactures specification. If the manufacturer does not accept other brands of replacement parts or lubricants, they are required to provide them a to the consumer at no charge. Also, the M-M Warratny Act also states that the manufactuer must prove that the non-recommended aftermartket part or lubricant was the direct cause of the failure. No service department can void your warranty because you used a synthetic oil or some aftermarket part, especially since there has been no problem and the presents of an unapproved part or oil alone does not consitute a warranty violation.

I can only assume you are fairly young and the service guy thought he could jerk your chain.

LOL, thanks for the compliment Rich but it depends on your definition of "fairly young". It was a quick call to schedule my service so I was talking to him on the phone as I was driving home (hands free so settle down phone police :)). Thought it was odd for him to say that so I'll ask when I get there on Saturday for the scheduled maintenance.
Ken, as stated on an earlier post, they will probably put in 5W20 because that is what they have on hand in the nice tidy 55gal drums they have in the shop. May get lucky if they have 5w30 there. Make it a point when you go there to tell them you want proof that they are putting syn. blend in instead of syn. because you were told it would void your warranty. See if you get some looks.:lol:;)
I run Amsoil 5W30. I change it once a year. It doesn't burn a drop of oil. I get between 15 to 20 thousand miles between oil changes.

Actually the Motorcraft synthetic blend is a very good oil. UOA's at will prove it. Problem I have is that my dealer gave me my first four oil changes free and the last time I noticed they had 5w-20 listed on the work order when the 4.0 is one of the few engines that Ford specifically does not recommend 5w-20 for. I drained it the next day. At least the filter was free.

I just got done mentioning in another thread that I got UOA's comparing Mobil 1 and Motorcraft in my wife's car, at least for 5000 miles the results were nearly identical. If you want to push it farther then you might see a difference with the Mobil 1.

UOA's are the only way to really tell what's working in your particular application and what isn't.
I drive apporx 2 thousand - 3 thousand miles per month on my trac. Any sugguestions on oil. I drive 50 miles one way to bring my kids to school and then back home and to work.

James, follow Ford's service interval. Change every 5K miles. Use any oil you like as long as it meets specs. The Motorcraft syn-blend is as good as you can get and it's half the price of full synthetic. No idependent tests have ever shown the full syn oil will be of any economic benefit unless you want to extend the change interval to 10K or 15K. But even then you should change the filter every 5K miles.
Question: Does anyone here know what the percentage of oils ( synthetic vs dyno) that are in these blends? I have always stated that 1% synthetic still qualifies as a "synthetic blend". I have not been able to find this information anywhere.

BTW I have used Mobile-1 in all my cars with absolutely great results. No varnish build up, no crude, etc. When I removed my valve cover on my Saturn with 128K everything was clean.
Thanks, for the input. I have been changing every 3k miles and utilizing the 5w 30. But there is so much talk on here of utlizing blends and full synth that I thought I would ask. I think I am going to try the blend and go to every 5k and see how that works. Is there a different filter for the blend?
Actually any SM-rated dino oil is pretty stout stuff and good for 5000 miles under most circumstances.

james said:
I drive apporx 2 thousand - 3 thousand miles per month on my trac. Any sugguestions on oil.

If you want to lessen how often you change the oil use either Mobil 1 Extended Performance or Mobil 1 Truck & SUV, just keep it topped off and it'll be good for 10,000 miles. We ran M1 EP in my dad's Cadillac, which admittedly holds 7.5 qts, until the oil life monitor was down to 4%. That made 11,200 miles :blink: on the oil, no filter change, sent the used oil to Blackstone and they said it was fine.

Mike C said:
Question: Does anyone here know what the percentage of oils ( synthetic vs dyno) that are in these blends? I have always stated that 1% synthetic still qualifies as a "synthetic blend". I have not been able to find this information anywhere.

It will be on the MSDS for the oil. Usually you can find it on the oil company's website and some are posted at the forums. Note, if you go to don't jump in with your first post asking "What oil should I use?". For gawd's sake use the Search or prowl around a little first. The regulars there have only seen that question 30 bazillion times already and they get kinda pissy about it.

james said:
Is there a different filter for the blend?

No, Motorcraft, Purolator PureONE, NAPA Gold are all fine filters. Mobil 1 or K&N if you want to spend more money, I'd use those if you want to go 10k on the oil. They have synthetic filter media, not paper or a blend, and will hold up better over the long haul. The pores in paper filter media are not uniform by nature so there is an inheirent compromise. With synthetic media you can make the pores uniform to whatever standard. All that said, personally I don't get real excited about it, I use Motorcraft filters and the occasional NAPA Gold if I happen to be passing by the NAPA store near oil change time. I change every 5000 on the car and Trac, 3000 on my decrepit old Astro work van because it needs all the help it can get. :lol:
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Sorry if I guess that you were much younger than you really are, however that is the typical crap some dealers will pull when they are dealing with a very young and nieve person.

I suspect that he said that because Ford dealers only stock Ford's Motorcraft and I don't think they make a synthetic oil. But any oil that meet or exceeds the API (American Petroleum Insittute ratings for your vehicle it is perfectly acceptable to use in your vehicle.

The only thing that some auto manufacturers may not agree with synthetic oil is the extended oil change intervals. If the maintenance manual says you must change oil every 6000 miles, they usually don't make any exceptions for synthetic oils that can go 12K-15K miles between changes.


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