The car can go an underwhelming 110 km/hr. But how far can it drive at that speed, which would really be a minimum to see usage in the USA? It does not say that the 200 km (let's call it 120 paltry miles) maximum range is at it's maximum speed.
In fact, the video implies that for any real distance at interstate-like speeds, you'd need a gas/air hybrid car.
Does it have acceleration to allow it to be used in our cutthroat city traffic? What kind of payload can this stuff haul? Honestly, the pickup version reminds me of the sissy electric mini-pickups we have @ my job, and with just a driver inside, they can barely crest a speedbump.
This is a far cooler idea than asinine ideas like "Ethanol" and "Bio-Diesel" which are not sustainable (ironic in a sense), or hydrogen which is unlikely to ever be implemented, or the spectacular failure that is CNG, but the car's limitations aren't made clear.
Shoot, what gas station today doesn't already have at least one compressor? Even if it isn't at a high enough PSI, perhaps the onboard compressor could beef it up.
When they said a 4-hour refill, I thought this was just another gimmick, but when they said 3
minutes with a compressor, then provided their compressors are cheap, we may just have the ONLY practical non-gasoline fuel source.
BTW, the car may be modern, but did anyone else notice that their design HQ certainly was not? I half expected to see some slide rules in there. :banana:
Retrofit a small compressor or even a belt driven compressor like the ones we use on our show trucks in my club, we never have to fill up unless we drain all the air from the tanks when we're working on them.
I'm confused. They'd still need to fill up as the engine is powered only by compressed air, it's not a hybrid as I understand it, so the only thing that could make more compressed air is the energy from the compressed air already in the system, which sounds suspiciously like perpetual motion to me ??
As for the proposed gas/air hybrid version, it's probably more practical to just copy the Prius and have the gas engine power the wheels @ speed than to have it compress air and then use the compressed air to power the engine.