French Terror Alert Levels

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2002
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Mahomet, IL
Saw this on Neal Boortz's web site this morning:


This from a listener yesterday:

AP and UPI reported today that the French government announced that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide." The only two higher levels in France are "Collaborate" and "Surrender". The raise was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed France's white flag factory, thereby disabling its military.

Insensitive? You bet! Dontcha love it?
I heard on the radio the other day;

"You know it's bad when even the French are hating the French".......

But it's not the French that are committing all of this nonsense. It's primarily Muslim immigrants. But the mainstream news media seems to keep omitting that little fact...
The mainstream news media is fickle.

The French were critical of the US war on terror, which "could" be viewed as a pro-terrorists stance and now the Muslims are lashing back at the French.

And, the media forgot to cover all of the news on the probes into the corrupt "Oil for Food" program, which pretty clearly showed the French govt "on the take".

So, cleary the French aren't as "clean" and of "pure motive" in all this since the beginning, and so maybe there is a reason for the Muslims to be riotting.

lol, yep, you are precisely correct MikeC.

Personally, I think we shoulda built up a huge wall around france and made it into a prison for war criminals. After all, there's nothing there we really NEED. We get plenty of grapes for wine from California and we've got plenty of cheese from Wisconsin. We can just send the current french people to Canada, they'd fit right in with their anti-war, "I'll tell america if you hurt me" philosophy. Jacques Chirac must stay though, he can be one of the trustees inside the prison or something. France is positively USELESS in my opinion. If it fell off the face of the Earth, would ANYONE miss it???

Oh, and TrainTrac, yeah, that's insensitive, but Americans are too damned sensitive to others in this day and time. We need to start calling a spade a spade. This politically correct crap has gone far enough. It's time for America to say what we mean and mean what we say, if France doesn't like it, they can sit on their collective thumbs and spin.
From Jay Leno last night.

The French are talking about deporting all the voilent immigrants. Which means that France is finally going to be sending people in to Irag.

Ta Dah!!
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Train Trac you stated:

But it's not the French that are committing all of this nonsense. It's primarily Muslim immigrants. But the mainstream news media seems to keep omitting that little fact...

Actually the Muslem children born in France are French citizens. They are finding it extremely difficult to find employment and melding into the Frnch society. The are there usually "legally" ,unlike some U.S. labor, and have been treated very poorly. I AM NOT defending their actions. I'm only pointing out that many are French citizens of parents allowed legally in the vcountry to provide cheap labor.
I was on my way to the Kuwait area and our plane was re-routed due to France not allowing us to travel thru their air space. Soooo, after changing the flight plan and sitting on the ground for 37 hours working it we take of again..... This time Turkey does not allow us to use their air space. In both cases we had permission in advance. So we change our flight plan again and land in Italy. Got stranded there for 3 months due to political issues.

Like others, I have a sour taste in my mouth about the participation or lack their of.....

I'll respect anyone's wishes as far as their thoughts on the war(s). I'll not hold that against them. But they sure made my job much harder than it had to be as a result of them changing their minds.
Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees? So invading armies can march in the shade!

Should we change that to "So Muslims can riot in the shade?"

For Sale : French Infantry Rifle, like new, never fired, dropped once.

I can keep going HAHAHAHAHA
lol. I don't think the french CARE how the rest of the world sees them, especially not the Americans! I hope to god that someone who has a sense of humor (or a very good grasp of history) is in charge of this country next time France asks for our help to fend off a foreign invader. Then we can tell them "remember when we asked for your help fighting off the terrorists in Iraq?". Let the foreign invaders have france, I don't give a damn. Maybe they would learn not to be so smug if someone other than the french was in control of france.

you have to know that if France asks or needs our help that out Government will step up and be there. That has been proven over and over....

Here we are at war with Kuwait and Afghanistan and yet we are handing them Millions if not Billions of dollars.

Do I agree with it. Not really, but it is what it is....
I know we will. The French should be very glad that I'M not going to be president when their time of need arrives because about the only thing they'd get from me is a single finger and a lot of laughing.
Actually the Muslem children born in France are French citizens. They are finding it extremely difficult to find employment and melding into the Frnch society. The are there usually "legally" ,unlike some U.S. labor, and have been treated very poorly. I AM NOT defending their actions. I'm only pointing out that many are French citizens of parents allowed legally in the vcountry to provide cheap labor.

I never said that they weren't in France legally. And even if they are French-born children of Muslim immigrants, the fact remains that it's still [/i]Muslims[/i] that are committing these atrocities and causing the lawlessness. They "find it difficult to meld into French society" because they simply refuse to assimilate into French society. That's why they're treated poorly. They, under the guidance of the imams, have basically formed little isolated Muslim communities throughout France which are strictly controlled by the imams.

Difficulty finding employment? Why? Because they don't educate themselves enough to get a good job? Sounds like the same excuses for New Orleans. We're talking about the country that had the brilliant idea to go to a 35 hour work week. France is a Socialist, cradle-to-grave country that gives it's citizens everything. And just look at what a hugely productive, robust, globally competitive economy they have!;)
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Hmmm. Can France surrender to itself?

The Complete Military History of France:
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Train Trac, I wasn't disagreeing with you. I just wanted to state that they were citizens, which didn't seem to come across in your first post. I really don't know the situation in France and will assume that your assessment is correct not having any other information.

Breaking News:


President Bush May Send Marines For French Assistance


President Bush has authorized the Joint Chiefs to begin drawing up a battle plan to pull France's ass out of the fire again. Facing an apparent overwhelming force of up to 2000 pissed-off teenagers, Mr. Bush doubts France's ability to hold off the little pissants. "Hell, if the last two world wars are any indication, I would expect France to surrender any day now", said Bush.

Joint Chiefs head, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, warned the President that it might be necessary to send up to 5 Marines to get things under control. The general admitted that 5 Marines may be overkill, but he wanted to get this thing under control within 24 hours of arriving on scene. Pace stated he was having a hard time finding even one Marine to help those ungrateful *******s out for a third time but thought that he could persuade a few women Marines to do the job before they went on pregnancy leave.

President Bush asked Gen. Pace to get our Marines out of there as soon as possible after order was restored. He also reminded Gen. Pace to make sure the Marines did not take soap, razors, or deodorant with them. The less they stand out the better.

..and some wonder where the idea of the ugly Americans came about.

Contrary to public opinion, France is not an enemy of the US. They are an ally and member of NATO. They pulled our ***** out of the fire in our War of Independence (anyone ever hear of Lafayette?). They gave us the Statue of Liberty as a gift on our Nation's 100th birthday. Read a history book, and you will learn a lot about how the French helped through our first 100 years.

The French have been weaker than us through the 20th century and beginning of this one. We helped them out of defeat twice in the two World Wars. This pretty much repaid our debt that we owed to them. However, that wasn't enough for us. After we saved them, we acted as though they owed us loyalty throughout the remainder of History. France is a sovereign nation. If their policies disagree with our goals, that is their business, not ours. We wouldn't bend to their will, so why should we expect them to do that for us?

If we treated them with a bit of respect, then they might actually agree with us on some points, but if we continue down this road of antagonizing them, and belittling them as a Nation, we will one day have an enemy, just as we have turned many other countries against us.

If we keep up the trend, nearly every nation will hate us in 100 years. We are a small nation compared to China and Russia. If they and some of their friends ever decide to gang up on us, we'll have hell to pay, and the French won't lift a finger to help us.

[Broken External Image]:

Oh well, image won't show up but it's there.
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