Friday the 13th strikes !!! Louisville national meet INFO .... PLEASE READ !!!

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Todd Z

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There is a slight change to the event planning for Friday at the meet.

DO you know when you will be arriving ???

Ford has informed me today that the KAP plant will not be running either. ( Both LAP and KAP plants will be closed)

Ford has proposed that we do a late night tour of the Sport Trac Thursday Night ( which will be operational !!) and then on Friday go back to the LAP plant for a tour of the plant idle and presentations... ( You don't have to do both, OR you can do 1 or the other)

I think this is a good back up plan and we are working on making this happen. The Thursday night plant tour will be around 8-10PM and the Friday morning plant tour will be around 10AM...

I hope this fits into your schedule and I hope to see you all there !!!!

SATURDAY will go on as planned !!!!!

Sorry if this is a problem,

Todd Zabbia

here are the addresses according to Mapquest:

Ford Motor Co Assembly Plant

2000 Fern Valley Rd # 1

Louisville, KY

is this one below the KAP ?

(7.1 miles away from the other one)

2nd Ford Kentucky Truck Plant

Ford Kentucky Truck Plant

3001 Chamberlain Ln

Louisville, KY

Just trying to get distance from my address,

I am pretty sure we can't leave until Thursday evening around 6. No way could we make the "working'" plant tour. :(
That's :cool:!!! We were wondering what to get into on thursday evening anyway. Our plans are to depart early thursday morning to be in Louisville by late afternoon. Good deal.


Yes, those are correct....

The hotel is just down the road from the LAP plant...

I am glad to hear most are ok with the time change, I personally want to see the plant up and running again, so It will be cool to go there at night any way, plus we can go there in the AM to see the trucks and meet people !!!

Lets have a GREAT time !!!!

Todd Z
Sorry, tom, then I guess we will not see you there....

Stuff happens....

On a side note,

People are looking for excuses NOT to go this year..... You should see the Emails I have received from those not going...

Forget about not having a running plant tour,,,, EVERYTHING else that is planned is going to happen.....

So to me the meet is now 3 days long, More time to meet and greet and spend time with fellow STR"S..... If thats not enough to adjust a schedule, or make the time Then you were not planning on going anyway and just looking for an excuse not to go....

IF there is NO meet in 2009 or 2010 I don't want to hear any complaining...

Todd Z
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From this side it looks like Ford is trying to NOT have a meet.

I know this is frustrating for you. I really would like to attend, but with the perspective of buying a house, me working afternoons (that would require me to take two day at a time vacation days now), and no plant tour if I don't take thursday off, just makes it hard for me to justify the trip.

I felt going to the KAP plant to watch the big boys being built was a cool trade-off. That isn't going to happen.

From my perspective, it just looks like Ford is "trying" to work with us, but the effort is half hearted.

I personally feel Ford feels obligated to host part of this meet. They really do not want this meet to happen.

Guess I'll be leaving at 2am again Thursday morning. Hopefully I won't have to work 13 hours before I leave for a 10 hour drive this time.

The reason of you not going is more about the house and I can respect that 100%...

But saying WOW !! I am not going because of a plant tour IS simply the door to start a complaining post and all the Bandwagon jumpers will Jump on board....

You your self said " meeting people is a great part of the meet"

A little negativity goes a long way on here and I don't want this thread to start in to a slamming of the meet and things like that.... WE have too many of those already...

As far as Ford goes, Your a union man your self, Do you think that Ford could make the plant stay open 1 more day, OR a different day and pay the overtime and stuff like that to keep 1 plant open for a 1 hour tour....

With the way things work, It seems a lot of people are cutting back and to keep the plant open is just not cost effective for a tour...

I am getting there on Wed so I will have plenty of time to do everything...

Not to mention, I am looking at chumping out about $600.00 out of my pocket to pay for the Farm on Saturday since as of now we don't have enough people registered and paid to even cover the farm...

Todd Z
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As far as Ford goes, Your a union man your self, Do you think that Ford could make the plant stay open 1 more day, OR a different day and pay the overtime and stuff like that to keep 1 plant open for a 1 hour tour....

I am sure given the option, they guys would like to work extra hours. We all need a little extra cash now and then.

The best part is meeting the other members. Going on a tour of a plant that is closed is a waste of time. That is just my opinion though.

I guess I see things my way. I know you put alot of work in this meet. The last meet you did want off without a hitch. Everything was perfect. I know your heart is in it. Trying to make everyone happy is impossible to do. In the end, it does not matter if the meet was in someoneones backyard. They would have some reason not to attend. (i.e. too far of a walk)

Don't get me wrong, I am still trying to make the meet. I really enjoyed my Lowe's gift card I won last time. It was really nice to recieve.

With that being said, I only get 6 days of day-at-a-time vacation I can use. If I use a day here and a day there will eat up most of the week. If the plant gets closed down during the week of July 4th, I will not have enough vacation time to go on our vacation to Maine this fall in the new motorhome. Since the meet is in June, (best month for it too, as far as I am concerned) I have to use my vacation sparingly until I get 3 weeks of vacation. Once I get the third week, I am fine.

I hate having to make decisions like this. I really do. I do not want to come off soundling like a party pooper, but I really enjoy the meets. The members here are all top notch. Hanging out with you...Todd, Rachel, Rose & LaRue, Rodger & Georgia, etc. is great. It is such a suprise to see the face behind the poster. You feel like you have known them for years, even though face-to-face for a few moments.


If you can make it, I will see you there, IF not, A house is a big investment and jump, Trust me I understand completely !!!

Best of luck with the house If we don't get a chance to say it in person...

Todd Z

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