Fuel Pump Whine

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J Browning

Dec 10, 2003
Reaction score
Ever since I bought the truck the fuel pump whine has been annoying loud. You can hear it from 25 feet away. Every other ST that I have pulled up next to or listened to as it sat idiling in a parking lot has been silent or barely noticeable. And friends with ST's say mine is definetly loud and uncommon.

Any ideas, its a constant high pitched "hum/whine." As soon as you turn the vehicle on to the run postion it whines for about 30 seconds and then goes off until you start the truck. Then its a constant whine until you trun off the engine again.

It is the fuel pump, It can be going bad, most of them make noise when they are going bad, But I also have had cars go 4 years with it making noise...

Personally I would change the fuel filter first, then the pump

Todd Z
I agree with Todd..I had a dodge that ran for 3 yrs with a whinning fuel pump..Finnaly got tired of the noise and replaced it..
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If it takes 30 seconds for your fuel pump to build up pressure, I suspect that your fuel pump has an internal leak and is loosing pressure. This was a common problem with the early 2001-2002 models. I good fuel pump without a leak will only run a few seconds before it shuts off.

The fact that it is loauder than normal could be caused by running low on gas. That also contributes to the pump wearing out due to overheating because the pump is emersed in fuel to keep it cool. But that is not what causes them to leak.

I gues it could be leaking. I replaced the fuel filter about a year ago. I guess I'll find out when it goes.

Does the engine use a "manual/mechanical" pump as well? Or does the fuel pump cycle for the first 30 seconds before start up and then only if pressure drops?

So when i go to the auto parts store do I ask for a specific year fuel pump to get the better model so i dont get another 01 reject?

There is not mechanical pump, only the electric pump located in the gas tank.

The pump will normally come on for a few seconds when the ignition is turned on, but as soon as the minimum pressure (about 40 PSI is detected, the pump will shut off until pressure drops. If your pump is running for 30 seconds, it is loosing pressure.

If you turn on the key and immediately start cranking the engine and you , have to crank your engine for more than 10 seconds or you have to try the starter several times to get the engine to start, after sitting over night or for 3-4 hours, that is the sure sign of a leaking fuel puimp. Since you have a 2001, my guess is the fuel pump is going bad. If you wait for it to fail completely it may leave you stranded somewhere at a very inconvenient time and place. I would recommend getting it fixed ASAP.

Fair warning, this won't be cheap to fix (if there isn't a TSB or similar on it). I'm not exactly sure how Ford replaces the pump, if they remove the bed or not, but count on about 3 hours of labor, plus parts.

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