Gas at $4 by Spring in the US?

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Nelson Atwell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Still cheap by European standards (we're at $7/gal in Poland), but Americans love cheap gas and public transportation isn't an option in most US cities. See article below.
It's about $4 to $5.50 a gallon in Canada right now depending on where you are living, and we've been paying that for about 18 months already....and the dollar is at par too....
Oil futures hit a new high today. Not unreasonable to expect $4+ by late spring/early summer.
$4 on the high end; $3.50 most places.

Whatever. They used to make excuses for hurricanes. Now it's for Turkey/Iraq. Someone farted? The price jumps. It's all about profits.
Everything in this world is all about profits. Oil is a lot about supply and demand. A good recession would drop the price of oil but personally I'd prefer economic conditions that keep the demand high.
The push on bringing alternatives to the market has played a big part. More people are looking to use energy efficient sources from household appliances to transportation.


2.50 in the innocence of Maryland, aka the land between DC and Baltimore.

Cheaper on the eastern shore of MD.

And this is with the ethanol BS...I wish there was a way to remove ethanol, because I really don't want to play with acetone, the wonder gas additive.

Being clean may save green, but don't buy into the hype. Hybrid cars are failed technology. Like the space shuttle, they are detours on the path to true innovation.
ExxonMobil, the world’s largest publicly traded company, raked in $39.5 billon last year—the largest annual profit recorded in US corporate history. The oil giant generated a staggering average of $108 million in profits a day, or $4.5 million an hour. The total topped the previous record for corporate profit, also set by Exxon Mobil in 2005, of $36.13 billion.

$108 million in profits a day, $4.5 million an hour. That is obscene.

And that says PROFITS, not revenue.

I wish the company I worked for had profits like that. Then maybe I could have a higher salary and bonuses. :D

And the sad part is I do the IT support for a small construction company who's clients all are the Oil companies. I have people from Shell, Chevron, BP, Helix, BHP Billiton and Technip out here managing and inspecting the projects that we have going on with them.

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