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John Beegle 2

Active Member
Oct 19, 2007
Reaction score
Fort Richardson, AK
Saw this on FOX News..... this has got my blood boiling. As a service member who is currently deployed in Afghanistan and also 2 past deployments in Iraq (1 which I cross the board the day war was declared) this makes me sick!! I'm glad the father is sueing the protesters!,2933,196487,00.html,2933,198277,00.html?sPage=fnc/us/issues
I will be one of the first to say that you/everyone has the right to free speech.

That said, there is a right and wrong place for any type of comment and or demonstration.

The ironic part is, is the solders of the past that have allowed for these people to have the right to free speech.

Also, I personally feel there is never an ok time to go to a grave site and have any kind of protest. Not just because the person is a solderer, simply because it is wrong.

Look at Michael Jackson, near the end years of his life he was as weird and wacko and anyone can be. That said, when it comes time to put him in the ground, he and his family deserve to be able to do so at peace.
Westboro Baptist Church=Dangerous Organization.

That church ONLY succeeds because of the country it is in. Something they have forgotten.

All these stories are from 2006, old news. And the better part of it all.

On June 5, 2006 the Snyder family sued Fred Phelps, WBC, and unnamed others for defamation, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.[76] On 31 October 2007, WBC, Fred Phelps and his two daughters, Shirley Phelps-Roper and Rebecca Phelps-Davis, were found liable for invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress. A federal jury awarded Snyder $2.9 million in compensatory damages, then later added a decision to award $6 million in punitive damages for invasion of privacy and an additional $2 million for causing emotional distress (A total of $10,900,000).[77][78] The organization said it wouldn't change its message because of the verdict.

and you haven't heard much of him/them since have you? Hard to make large protests with no money.
When I first read the title, I thought it would be people protesting the soldier's burial because he was gay, but this is even stranger.

How can someone be expected to pay 10 million dollars, even with 2 of their kin also responsible for the debt? Does payment like that get passed on to the next of kin? If so, that would blow, and be bogus...a more heinous sort of reparation.

The "argument" of this church makes NO sense whatsoever...soldiers only die in Iraq because of tolerance of gayness in the US? Who thought this up? Who would believe that message? Seriously, obama should hire this guy--he led people to believe something screwier than that you could spend out of a recession...
Yea, this group makes me sick. They fail to remember that it was that soldiers life that gave them the freedom to protest. I think the military should show up at thier funerals and protest them!

I would love to have them come here, I know my church would be on the other side making so much noise, they would be bleeding from thier ears!
By my understanding of the news report, they were there protesting because of the milatary's " Don't ask, Dont tell" policy. It had nothing to do with the soldier being gay. They just knew it was a soldier's funeral.
Any religious folk that can't accept gay people and that don't recognize that gay people must be part of his plan (as gay people are born that way), IMHO, are narrow-minded hypocrits.

I think the majority of people get carried away with their beliefs. Who are they to force their beliefs on others?
TJR, it's not proven that gays are born gay.

If genetics made you gay, that would blow. Genetics are an annoyance :(

**If genetics did make you gay, how can there be so many gays? If was a recessive trait, the average person would only have a 25% chance, at most, of getting it....since, clearly, the vast majority of people who have the recessive trait are not reproducing.

I didn't post this to say anything about gays. I have known people, male and female, who are gay and have had no problem knowing then. Even consider some as friends. The problem is with thier choice of timeing. It is bad enough at any funeral... this is a time for morning, but to target a funeral because you know it is of a service member that has been killed in action. Soldiers have given thier lives so that those same protesters can have the freedom to speech and assembly, as this soldier and the many soldiers before him have. If this is not the case would be in the same boat as Iran, killing protesters in the street and pulling them out of thier home. Remeber "FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!"

I know not to debate with the closed-minded, so I guess I probably shouldn't even try, but here goes...

There is plenty evidence that supports the "gay gene theory". Like all theories, they aren't so much proven as a set of evidence that supports the theory. For example, gravity is a theory, but I'm pretty confident it exists. ;)

Your comment about odds and liklihood seem simplistic to me.

P.S. Who said gay people are not reproducing? I know several gay people with children. They had their children when they were living a lifestyle that they took on due to societal pressures and norms.


Thanks for the post, and your last post.

The same closed-minded religious folks who think that "gays" are sinners of choice are poised on the slippery slope to being haters like those protesting *inappropriately* at these funerals.

That's all I was saying.

TJR, if you do not debate with the "closed minded", how can you ever expect them to see your "correct" ideals?

I'm not the biggest fan of missionaries, but no one will ever know the message unless they hear it.

Just because there is evidence to support something does not make it true. There is evidence of many things, but those things aren't conclusively proven. I'm sure you can think of several great examples.


You missed the point. When I said "closed minded", I mean those that seem to place their fingers in their ears and not listen when others talk, or constantly deflect and don't concede a point.

My point about evidence and theories is an example. I conceded to your point...that a "gay gene" hasn't been proven. I agreed with that, respectfully. Thats how an open mind works. I then introduced that theories, by definition, aren't proven, but have a mass of evidence that lends to establish their truth. I even gave the example of "gravity".

So rather than concede that the gay gene theory might actually have some merit and discuss it constructively, you simply restate that evidence of theories "proves nothing." That's "broken record" debating. If you continue to go back to a point I have already conceded, and won't concede to any of my factual points than debating is a waste of both our time.

Like I said you seem close minded and unable to debate constructively.


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I did not wish to belittle the argument with the assumption that you were conceding a point until you had made the concession, hence the repeat of my previous statement.

If we discussed the gene, then we'd have to get into choice, which leads to a convoluted and obfuscated argument.

Genetics or Choice...I don't know which one would be worse, IMO choice would be...for I couldn't see anyone making that choice from my perspective. Choice is repulsive, but genetics is cruel, as genetics already govern too much of our lives :( Small wonder that most of the world embraced the concept of eugenics.

KL, I found out that we are all closed minded. When we dont agree with certain people on this board.:lol:
Geese, my mind is open, as long as its my opinion!:p

regarding a debate, its not an attempt to get someone to agree with you, as much as allowing others to see your points of view. Yes, agreeing to certain points is always good, but a debate has counter points thrown at at each point, its a civil argument, with no real outcome other than a possible "I can see your point".

Always remember that your rights end at the tip of my nose. And in agreement with TJR, yes, any 'religious' person that has hate or contempt for sinners, be they gay or other, is just that, religious. A true Christian has nothing but love for those around them, no matter thier sin.

We believe that we need to love others, no matter thier situation. BUT, we can disagree with thier lifestyle, choices, etc. Those who feel were wrong for disagreeing with thier lifestyle are just as close minded as those they are complaining about.

My 22 cents (inflation)

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