George Strait & Reba McEntire Concert

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Good to know that you retained your 3rd grade arithmatic skills after all these years...

Yep. With today's new math, that's no small feat.

I guess one expects that from superstars of that caliber.

Can one be a "superstar" if they aren't known by everyone? I don't think so. These people are just "stars".


Can one be a "superstar" if they aren't known by everyone? I don't think so. These people are just "stars".

They might not be superstars in your mind, but who cares? Who do you include as "Everybody"? I think most CW fans would disagree with you since they are probably the most well know entertainers and active recording artist in the CW music world even if they are not everybody's favorites or known in other countries. Remember CW music is pretty much an American style of music, but it does have some popularity with some locals in other countries, especially where US Military are stationed.

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CW died a long, long time ago.

Today it's just watered down rock music.

The song "Before He Cheats" is one of the most well known modern entries in the genre. That's just another nail in CW's coffin.

Horrible instrumentation, a singer with no principles, no witty lyrics (as opposed to vintage country), and condoning vandalism.

They might not be superstars in your mind, but who cares?

You've got it wrong. They're not superstars if they're not superstars in effectively the whole population's mind. Even a sizable portion of the youngest generation knows of the Beatles (sadly). That's generations of fame, that's superstardom. These musicians that you saw are not well known outside of fans of their genre, so you say. To be a superstar, your fame must spill over into ALL genres. Sadly, to reference what I mentioned above, Carrie Underwood is closer to being a superstar than your artists.

If you aren't a household name, you aren't a superstar.

(Also, you say you are not a CW fan, but then you presume to assume what the majority of CW fans would do? )

Horrible instrumentation, a singer with no principles, no witty lyrics (as opposed to vintage country), and condoning vandalism.

KL "gets it".

listen to George Straits old stuff. It has beautiful music, a story, well written lyrics, and something a true country fan enjoys.


Is or should I ask was Garth Brooks a superstar by your definition?

Also, would you agree that for certain sports, genres and such there are no superstars given your definition, for the mere fact that even the greatest, most well known, most popular stars in the field simply are not household names?

There are many households out there that don't follow college football, or ultimate fighting, or NASCAR. So, stars in these fields arguably would not be household names for those people. Does that mean there are no superstars in those fields?


Texas is full of CW fans and Austin is probably the central HQ for CW in Texas. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a CW fan. It's a very different world from Pasedina, MD.

So I take it you are not a big CW fan or at least not a big George Strait or Reba McEntire fan. Again I must say "Who cares". You are not adding anthing to this thread, and you are only trying to start an argument....Sorry but I will not be drawn into an argument based on your stupid opinion. Stupid because it does not fit how most of the CW fans view George Strait and Reba McEntire.

Willy Nelson, was born and raise just down the road (Abbott, TX) and he is also a CW superstar, but I don't care much for his style of music, with the exception of a few songs. But he draws huge crowds and big money when he makes a personal appearance.

It's kind of like saying that Jimmy Johnson or Jeff Gordon are not NASCAR superstars, because they are not your favorite driver even though they have a huge fan base and and multiple cup chanpionships to prove it.

I think you need to continue your studies of 3rd grade arithmatic, since you were more humorus when you were calculating ticket costs per hour.

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It is so very funny (in a human factors kind of way) the way "fans" (fanatics) think of things. Clearly many feel that a "true fan" appreciates and can be measured by a certain criteria and what they feel a "true fan" should like. But, since everyone arguably has slightly different tastes, it seems to me that by that measure there can be no "true fan"...right? LOL

Anyway, the arguing on this thread is one of the stupidest I have seen in a while. Sorry I even chimed in, I guess.

Reba and King George (BTW, fans and his peers CALL HIM "KING GEORGE"...that has to give him top of the top status...right?) are definately awesome. Is their new stuff as good as their old? I don't know. To me, most of their new stuff isn't as good as their "aged" stuff...but then again, that's just my opinion and based in my likes. Being a #1 hit on the Country Billboards doesn't necessarily make one song better than another not achieving that least not for all people and tastes. Right? It's just one measure.

The way I see it with fandom is that one should watch what you want, listen to what you want, go see what you want, whether it be movies, or sports, or music.

Many in this world need to learn how to let go of that inner, troubled 12yo that seems to have to **** on everything they don't like. Most get older and realize the reason that they did such shitting in the first place was to feel self-important, and through some misplaced feelings of doubt as to their own preferences. Others never got over the childish notion that for my "things" to be good the "things" of others must be bad. That's called villification. Our political parties like to use that to program us too...again, childish crap.

I don't like a lot of things, and I think some forms of entertainment have gotten worse over time...but debating it is pretty pointless. The reason to debate is to influence someone as to your way of thinking. For preferences and opinions, that's just craziness (often is, anyways).

Oh, except NASCAR...those fans are wasting their time and a waste of space. jk, LOL

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