Global warming, thorougly debunked

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This was world's warmest recorded winter Fri Mar 16, 6:17 AM ET

This has been the world's warmest winter since record-keeping began more than a century ago, the U.S. government agency that tracks weather reported on Thursday.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said the combined global land and ocean surface temperature from December through February was at its highest since records began in 1880.

A record-warm January was responsible for pushing up the combined winter temperature, according to the agency's Web site,

"Contributing factors were the long-term trend toward warmer temperatures as well as a moderate El Nino in the Pacific," Jay Lawrimore of NOAA's National Climatic Data Center said in a telephone interview from Asheville, North Carolina.

The next-warmest winter on record was in 2004, and the third warmest winter was in 1998, Lawrimore said.

The ten warmest years on record have occurred since 1995.

"We don't say this winter is evidence of the influence of greenhouse gases," Lawrimore said.

However, he noted that his center's work is part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change process, which released a report on global warming last month that found climate change is occurring and that human activities quite likely play a role in the change.

"So we know as a part of that, the conclusions have been reached and the warming trend is due in part to rises in greenhouse gas emissions," Lawrimore said. "By looking at long-term trends and long-term changes, we are able to better understand natural and anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change."

The combined temperature for the December-February period was 1.3 degrees F (0.72 degree C) above the 20th century mean, the agency said. Lawrimore did not give an absolute temperature for the three-month period, and said the deviation from the mean was what was important. He did not provide the 20th century mean temperature.

Temperatures were above average for these months in Europe, Asia, western Africa, southeastern Brazil and the northeast half of the United States, with cooler-than-average conditions in parts of Saudi Arabia and the central United States.

Global temperature on land surface during the northern hemisphere winter was also the warmest on record, while the ocean-surface temperature tied for second warmest after the winter of 1997-98.

Over the past century, global surface temperatures have increased by about 0.11 degree F (0.06 degree C) per decade, but the rate of increase has been three times larger since 1976 -- around 0.32 degree F (0.18 degree C) per decade, with some of the biggest temperature rises in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.
Check this out. in 1975 or 1976, the same 'scientists' were predicting an Ice Age in the next ten years. I guess that did not happen. It was on the cover of Time, I believe in April.

If Al Gore's lips are moving, he is telling a lie no matter what the subject.

I also wonder what the effect of shooting the Space Shuttle(with it's solid rocket boosters) up through the ozone for decades...but i doubt the governments will stop space exploration. In the 1700's, we had a "mini ice age" - colder than normal and large amounts of snow. My thoughts are that the climate has cycles and we're in a warming cycle. My great grand kids will probaly freeze their behinds off it their parents don't drown when all the polar caps melt. I'm more worried about the changes that will happen when the Earth finally resets itself after all the oil and other things we've taken from it. One never knows.

There can be no doubt that we humans have had a detrimental effect on our planet.

Debating to what extent, if any, our behavior has on the climate maybe interesting, but discussing ways in which we can improve the environment we leave for our children, and they're children and the actions we need to take to achieve that is more important to me.


Deryck, if you watch the video, pay particular attention to the last ten minutes, in which the various speakers make the logical case that the global warming movement is going to cost the lives of hundreds of millions of people in developing nations.

Exactly what is the goal of a "better environment" when "better" is actually more destructive and painful for the human race.

"Better" is a highly subjective term.
Great video. I got the audio working. The Google site came up with the volume tuned downed. My volume was full on but I could not hear anything until i moved the small volume slider in the video window.

The video confirms a lot of things that I heard before athat convinced me that Global Warming is not related to CO2.

I have heard that the CO2 after WWII was higher than ever recorded yet scientist thought we were entering an Ice Age. I also heard that the eruption of Mt. Tillatupb (sp) in the Phillipines generated far more CO2 and greenhouse gases than all the vehicles and factories have created in the past 100 years, yet there was little or no impact on our weather or environment.

I have also heard that the rise in CO2 is created by global warming not the cause of global warming !! Leave it to Al Gore to get it backwards.

I agree that wee should stive to get away from imported oil and keep our environment clean. Not because of a global warming fear, but because of the overall risks to human health and the security of the nation being jeprodized by imported oil.


Yes there is. First off, go to the link above. Copy the URL. Open a new browser. goto the link below.

Download the FLV file.

Google "Riva FLV encoder".

install that program.

Convert the FLV file to an MPG file.

Open your favorite DVD or VCD burning program. Burn mpg to DVD or VCD format.

Insert converted file media into your DVD player and enjoy.


How do I download the FLV file? The download button only plays the video, How do I get that to write the file to my HDD??

There are words that say "Download Link". Right click on it "Save As" and it will save it to your HDD.

I think that if the climate changed a lot, from hot to ice age and back, before humans were even on the earth, then what we do has little real effect.

I think the looney ex-communists have simply found a new home and method to scare, and therefore control, people and some people who should know better are buying in to it.

I do not se any words that say "Download Link". There is a Download button for Windows/Mac. Ir you right click and "Save Target As" it only saves the link to the video (about 2 KB), not the video file. Where are you seeing the words "Download Link"??


I am on the same page as you, but I don't have the "Download Link" text as you do on your page. I have entered the URL for the video and clicked the "Get It" button but still do not get the Download Link text. I do get a small spinning wheel to the right og the "Get It" button, but nothing is being written to disk??

Wait until the spinning wheel stops spinning.

If you can not get it to work, I would be more than willing to make you a dvd and drop it in the mail for you.

If you have a server I can upload the file to, I can do that also.


Thanks for the info!

I'm starting to download the video (estimated time 34 min.!)

I'll keep you updated.
Except for a period during the dark ages overall the earth has been warming since the ice age. Duh. I'm sure we're not helping the cause but the earth goes through climate cycles all on its own.
There can be no doubt that we humans have had a detrimental effect on our planet.

Uh, yes there can be all kinds of doubt. Science IS NOT consensus. Consensus is Consensus. In science there is no "truth", there is experimentation, observation and analasys. No science is perfect.

Hence why it's still the theory of gravity. Gravity in and of itself has never been proven, we can only explain the side-effects of it.

It's also the Theory of Evolution. Not proven and never will be.

It's the Theory of Global Warming. There is no consensus that 1) humans are the cause, 2) humans have an effect on what the earth does (that's awefully damn arrogant) and 3) that humans can or can't stop the natural warming process of THE SUN!!!

Remember a few years ago that we had a massive solor storm that was knocking out satillites, communications and electronics on and off for nearly 6 months? I can't help but wonder if something similar is causing the natural warming of the earth. Is the sun hotter today than it was 100 years ago? Is the earth closer? Are the solor winds stronger?

We as humans are mininscule in comparison to the earth itself, and to the solor system? Haha!

Guess George Bush is to also blame for the higher temperatures on Mars as well....

Global warming is a way for liberals, communists, hippies and anti-capitalits (hmmm... all those sound like the modern Democrat party.... but I digress) to get money. Nothing more.