God Bless America

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I listened to the inaguration and Obamas speech and thought it was very good as I expected it to be.

All Presidents get a bit of a honeymoon for the first few months in office while they get their sea-legs steadied, all of their cabinet appointments approved and settled into their jobs. There is always a lot of hoopla when a new President is inagurated and Obama's was no different.

The only reason Bush did not get as many pats on the backs from the Democrats when he was inagurated in 2000 was because of the fiasco in Florida and required the Supreme Court to declare him the winner. So the Democrats felt cheated. I might add that a volunteer group of political science college students took on the task of recounting all of the Florida votes (not just the prescincts that Gore challenged) and the found that Bush did indeed win Florida, and had Gore chanllenged other areas instead of Broward County, etc, he could have picked up more votes, although he still would have lost.

In 2004 the Democrats where humiliated by loosing not only the Presidential election, but got thrown out as the majority in the Congress and Senate. So they were not in a very congratulatory mood.

Also, remember that Bush declared that he was "The Uniter" before he was elected the first time, but that statement seems to be just the opposite of the truth. The Republicans continued to rub the Democrats nose in their defeat, and in 2006 the momentum swung with the Democrats and has gone that way ever since.

Obama gave no guarantees and no President can. They need smart advisors to come up with solutions, and the current economic problems are far, far worse than they were in the depression of 1929, even if they are only calling it a recesion now. This recession is a Global recession. So nobody is trying to give Obama an excuse to fail, and I don't think he will fail.


Myself, as someone that voted not for MC or OB. The bantering on this site in my church in my nieghborhood or where ever. I watched more OB supporters get get ugly, angry and call names than the MC supporters. That is Just my observed opinion. Im not saying that all OB supporters got disrespectful. Just more than MC supporters did. As I said this is my personal observation from more than this site.

Like Tom T said, If we dont give someone a chance from the start. He wont make it and all we will see is faults from then on.
I would like to see Obama start thinking of himself as an American, not an African-American. Then maybe he will be President for the whole nation..
That booing came before the swearing in and subsequent speech.

What's your point? It was still very disrespectful and classless, especially in that setting, and on Inauguration Day.
They should have turned off the cameras at that point and just said we don't support ignorance.

No, this should have been the lead of the news. The anchors SHOULD have pointed out that this is the epitomy of disrespect and not in the tradition of "hope" and "change".

Odd no one has mentioned the overtly racist speach by the minister at the end...

and Obama nodding in agreement.

I am giving him a chance. I believe that he has just enough rope. Let's see if he either hangs himself with it or hitches his wagon and pulls. He's either going to be a great president of a 1-and-done president.

B Hussain Obama is going to face a harder time from the hard-core left than the right. The lefty's elected him to do their bidding and once he cannot because of the insanity that it is, they will castigate him and toss him to the wolves.
Not only were there idiots being disrespectful President Bush at the Inauguration yesterday, but it seems that President Obama and his staff actually couldn't resist firing a parting shot at George Bush when "change" came to the official White House web site yesterday:


President Obama will keep the broken promises made by President Bush to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. He and Vice President Biden will take steps to ensure that the federal government will never again allow such catastrophic failures in emergency planning and response to occur.

President Obama swiftly responded to Hurricane Katrina. Citing the Bush Administration's "unconscionable ineptitude" in responding to Hurricane Katrina, then-Senator Obama introduced legislation requiring disaster planners to take into account the specific needs of low-income hurricane victims. Obama visited thousands of Hurricane survivors in the Houston Convention Center and later took three more trips to the region. He worked with members of the Congressional Black Caucus to introduce legislation to address the immediate income, employment, business, and housing needs of Gulf Coast communities.

President Barack Obama will partner with the people of the Gulf Coast to rebuild now, stronger than ever.

Yet, no mention of the completely inept response (or lack thereof) by the Democrat governor of Louisiana and New Orleans' Democrat mayor. They were the ones who should bear the majority of the blame for the Katrina Charlie Foxtrot in LA.

Funny how other areas that were hit hard by Katrina, like Mississippi and the Texas coast wereable to adequately prepare for the storm and subsequently pick themselves up by their own bootstraps and set about the business of clean up and repair without whining to the Feds.
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Yet, no mention of the completely inept response (or lack thereof) by the Democrat governor of Louisiana and New Orleans' Democrat mayor. They were the ones who should bear the majority of the blame for the Katrina Charlie Foxtrot.

Exactly. It is the states responsibility. Not the Feds. Lousiana droped the ball big time. I live in the area hit by IKE. You dont see the blame being put on the feds. The only thing I see this state asking for, is the assistance that would be the norm. Texas is not blaming the feds for anything.
Joe, you might want to quit while you are ahead. And by the way, it is a privilege to be a member of this site, not a right, learn some respect...


You guys can flame me, ban me, I don't care, but I still say this arguement is one sided, there are other posts here that prove that. Here is one:

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joe, I think your post was deleted for the slap the mans face anger, that it displayed.

This is not a one sided site. Todd has asked us to start being respectful. We are a communty of differences. We do need to respond respectful in our differences.

WHAT did I say that was so evil and disrespectful MORE SO than this whole TOPIC?

I still see this arguement as one sided, since I am on the wrong side, I AM WRONG?

I am sick of the Obama hatred on this site. I mean the man has been president for one day, what has done wrong already... NOTHING! I voted the man in, because I believed in what he said and thought he would do better for this country than McCAin and four more years of Bushisms.

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NOW YOU ARE GOING TOO FAR LES... but anyone can cower behind a computer miles away, try stepping out from your computer and talking that smack to my face...


Bushisms? no no no... McCain is about as far from Bush as they come!

That was all just a spin used by the Obama campaign... there isn't much truth in it. At all...

+ No one here hates Obama... At least as far as I can tell.

Also, The most likely reason why your previous post was deleted was because of tone or attitude. I don't know what the post was about but judging off what you have written on just this topic it is clear that you bring a hefty amount of attitude and tone in your language. You probably don't recognize it.

Almost 99% of the people on here keep a level head when they respond. Making statements like

I am sick of the Obama hatred on this site.
is a sure fire way to turn people off. Dilute it and your points would be better heard too.

Just throwing in out there. Not trying to be patronizing or condescending... but getting upset on a sport trac forum over politics is ill advised. Getting upset over a faulty transmission... we understand.
Personally I voted for Mccain he lost, Obama won that's the way a election works. Be thankful it was a peaceful change of power! Some countries have a war just to change there president. Yes Obama has a tough time ahead of him, and I wish him the best of luck with that. I hope he can bring change to the ones that are affected by the "Bush era" me for one i'm doing fine. the bush era has yet to effect me or my family and if it does I will blame Obama for not bringing us change. As i was typing this and watching the news at the same time, they reported how people are getting Obama tattoos of his face on there body, I mean come on people. Now there singing hes got the whole worlds in his hands! He is not a messiah but i have seen people with tattoos of Jesus on there skin. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING some one please enlighten me![Broken External Image]:
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Because, the people there are dangerous and I want them tried and thrown in prison forever. Shutting down the trials and shutting down Gitmo leaves no real options of what to do with them other than letting them go back to their country -- where experience has already shown that they will be right back to killing Americans. And no, I don't want them going to the civilian courts, because they are not American civilians, nor should they be given the rights of American civilians. They are enemy combatants and should be tried in a military court.

If an American gets beheaded in Afghanistan it is ok? But if we sleep deprive a suspected terrorist so he is weaker and may give us info because he is not thinking at 100% that's is wrong?


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