Going to Alaska

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Glenn Deitz

May 15, 2004
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Ellicott City, MD
Well i am leaving for alaska in july to look for a home. Also this is gonna be my first time on an air plane and i am scared Sh!tless. lol. Anyway any tips on flying so im not scared let me know pllllease.

Glenn, where are you moving to in Alaska?

My wife really hates flying so she normally takes something to make her sleepy and drowsy. A good idea is to get one of the little dvd players and watch a movie or two on the flights. You can rent them at the airport generally, and if you are flying on Alaska Airlines, you can rent them on the plane, but sometimes have to reserve them ahead of time if you are in coach. I fly from Alaska to Vegas all the time, and those movies really make the trip go by faster.
The very first time I had to fly, it was From Atlanta to Anchorage with a layover in Seattle. To make things even worse, I was flying alone on a business trip, every other person had a different flight out. I was really tense on the first take-off but after that it was actually really rather fun. I tend to take a good book to read in case they aren't playing a descent movie. You will be fine, and enjoy Alaska, It is a unique place. Plus enjoy that nice check each year for having your primary residence there.
First, congrats on the move, assuming your happy about it.

Second, I fly 5 days a week, 2 to 4 flights a day. On average I break 1 million miles every 2 1/2 years. And I am still here to talk about it...

The DVD suggestion is a great idea. If nothing else, take a CD or MP3 player. Check out the link below as it will tell you all about the plane you will be on. Things like if it has audio and or video. If so, you can clink on the link that comes up to find out what movie will be playing. It will tell you how much leg room and things like that too as well as the general layout of the plane. It will show the best seats and the worst seats... It basically helps you make a decision of where you want to sit or not to sit for that matter...

Enjoy the trip. Once you get over you anxiety I am sure you will love flying...
Glen, fly w/ Alaska Air, their a great airline imo. As far as Anchorage, it's expensive and from what my in-laws have said, going down the tubes. I know it's expensive, I lived there from 95-98 and ALL my in-laws are still there. They have said that the crime has spiraled almost out of control and Somoan gangs have moved in and set up camp. This is comming from conservative people too. If you can stand the 45 minute drive south into Anchorage, I'd persoally look into Wasilla for a home. State gov. is supposed to begin a bridge progect that will cut the drive time in half. THAT will be sweet. I have in-laws in Wasilla too and it's awsome up there. It's a HELLUVA lot cheaper and safer. Anchorage public schools suck BTW. If you can go up there mid-june, it's the best. Summer Solstace is mid-june and a great time. If I can help with info in any way, please let me know. I can ask my in-laws any ? that you might have. Alaska is the most beautiful place that I have ever been.
I was looking at getting a job with Ketchican (sp) Police Dept. I looked up the prices of housing then talked to my in-laws and decided against against it. It's beautifull but EXPENSIVE! as far as Juno goes, my Father-in-law just moved out of there and hated it. Said it was VERY PC and LOTS of Homosexuals. He's not homophobic in the least, but said it was getting bad, like a haven for them or something.

Note: I know some pc person in here will dog pile me for my remark about homosexuals, I was NOT being deragatory, I'm merly stating what was told to me. I;ll keep my opinions there to myself.
Why would anyone be afraid of flying? Safest way to travel and usually the smoothest ride. Now going into a burning building would be scary to say the least.
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Let's start out with a spelling lesson...

Juneau. It is the state capital, and one of, if not the only, liberal majority community in Alaska.

Ketchikan. Ketchikan is a small town quiet a bit closer to Seattle.

Both towns get a ton of rain. Enough to drive people out of there. Living costs are very expensive, more so than Anchorage or any other place in Alaska. Best fishing in the world, excellent hunting, but not a lot for night life in either town.
Well, i've lived in anchorage for 35 years. My wife and i love it to death. I cant even put it into words. Its just a great place to live. But housing prices are going crazy. Our house is now worth over 1/2million. We payed 199k for it in '82 haha.

oh well, good luck with the trip!
Jerry, thank you. I wasn't sure on the spelling. Thats what the " (sp) " stands for. You don't need to have an attitude. "Let's start out with a spelling lesson..." I didn't go into a whole lot of detail in regards to what someone could have easily found online by going to a tourist website. I simply provided some reliable intelligence regarding Alaska. I happen to Love Alaska and plan on moving back eventually. I still like Anchorage, I'm just going by what my in-laws have told me.

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