Jason Housman
Active Member
Well we got a good shot of snow for the first time out by me. The Trac handled great in it. I had no problems getting around and where i live there are a lot of up and down, winding hills and it was great cruising around with no problems. When I got home from work this afternoon my neighbor came over and told me he had been waiting for me to get home. He had called Sears and bought a snowblower over the phone. He couldn't get his car out of his driveway and needed me to help him pick it up since i was able to get around. We went out to get it and he was amazed at how well the Trac handled the conditions. Now he wants one!!! Thank god for his snowblower though it really saved me some time and my back!! Her's some pics of the Trac and the snow. [Broken External Image]:
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