GRRR Latex Caulking on Leather seat HELP

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Brian Lamb

Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Surrey, BC
OK so i work construction and drove one of my co-workers home Friday dropped him off and realized i had white caulking all over my leather seat i haven't touched it as i'm worried about more damage anyone have any good suggestions on how to get this crap off. Thanks
well I am not sure about this,but you can look and see if you want to try it,other wise you might try the old standby of a razor to scrape it off close and then saddle soap. Ron
Canadian, Once the caulk is dry you should be able to rub/lift it off. I wouldn't think that latex caulk would stick too well to the leather. I would definately not use any solvents (other than water if it was wet) or sharp items.
Just a question...could you treat it like "chewing gum"? What I mean is rub an ice cube on it and then try to peel it off with your finger as it is hardened?

Would anyone recommend that? I doubt it would crack the leather, but I'm really not too sure.


i did the same thing about a year ago... I waited until it dried and i could peel it right off, then treated the seat with leather treatment and now its not even noticeable

its pretty smoothed out like its not globs but i will try too peel it off there is a lot :angry: just wanted to see what people suggested before i tried anything

thanks ill let you know how it goes