Ha Ha scared ya!

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Bart Adkins

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Trumbull County, OH
I saw a MyST member in the store today (a coworker) before she saw be...I swiftly and silently ran up behind her and snagged her purse off her shoulder with a little tug. I had on my winter hat and some sunglasses so I don't think she recognized me until I started laughing. Such a mean joke to play while holiday shopping! Gotcha Marie!
I was waiting for a plane once at the Pittsburgh airport, going to my company's annual meeting. Saw some ladies I knew from one of our Canadian offices sitting at the gate. I was already wearing a black suit so I put my sunglasses on, had the whole Men In Black thing working.:cool: Walk up behind them, "Excuse me, can I see your passports?" Two of them about (pooped) a brick and start rooting through their purses. The third turns around and sees it me, says "JON YOU JERK! Put your passports away, he's one of us." :lol:
oh boy... A friend once grabbed my wallet out of my pocket in a shopping mall(from behind me). I kind of reacted violently to that act and spun around and took a good swing.. I broke his jaw... He hasn't spoken to me since! :eek:
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When I very first became a police officer I had an old high school friend walk up behind in line at a convenience store and reached down and grabbed my gun. I caught him with an elbow right in the cheek and dropped him to the floor. I would have drawn my gun on him as well but I am ashamed to admit that I could not quickly get it out of the brand new triple retention holster that I had failed to properly adjust (big leason learned) but then I realized who it was so I stopped trying. This happened only like a week after I had learned weapon protection and retention techniques so I was real quick to respond. I think Bart is lucky that he didn't try this on the wrong woman because some I know would have thrown a quick elbow or even worse a knee to the crotch. Not that I have never pulled such a trick but you do so possibly at great risk.
Did that to my Mom when I was about 12. We were at K-mart. She was big time pissed, but it was hysterical. I'm lucky she didn't grab the nearest heavy object and begin the beating. I deserved it.

I broke his jaw... He hasn't spoken to me since!

Maybe cuz it's still broken?

Probably not after 10 years, but there really wasn't anything he could say about it either(pun intended!)...

Really, he did this in a busy mall a couple of weeks before Christmas. There had been several reports of pickpocketing going on at this mall, with several news reports in the past few days. When you feel your wallet leaving your pocket, you don't have a lot of time to do something, or it's gone. I hit the face who was holding my wallet... My mistake? Yup. His mistake too? Yup.
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lol Bart you are probably lucky you are not wearing the purse permantly! ha ha If it had been me you would have been! ha ha:D

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