Near the end of my great grandmother's life, she had an unusual form of memory loss where she was generally completely lucid, but had severe trouble keeping a few specific subjects straight in her head. And one of those subjects was holidays. For example, on December 25th, you would have a completely normal conversation with her in which you could completely forget that she has any issues, and then she'd close the conversation by saying something like "Happy Halloween!" And she was completely serious--she knew it was a holiday, but almost invariably thought it was a different one.
From that, our extended family has developed a fun way to remember her, by always greeting other family members on holidays with the wrong holiday.
So to that end, to all the MyST family, "HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!"
Please give a big HUG today to all your loved ones. Stats recently show that a hug a day is good for a healthy body and mind. Have a good one to all,,:wub:
Eddie and all fellow ST'ers, Make sure that the hug is given with your left arm over the hugee's right shoulder; that way places you Heart to Heart which studies have shown to be empowering. :wub: