Havin a bad day....illegal alien style

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The most basic requirement of being american is being able to speak the language.

- RaserX

That's one of the most prejudiced statements I've seen on this site. In case you didn't learn in school, there were six major Native American Nations in what was to become Ohio -- the State which you live in. (Nations: Shawnee, Miami, Ottawa, Wyandotte, Mingo, and Delaware). None of these Americans originally spoke English. Have you ever wondered why we CALL them Native Americans??

In addition, the USA is not only comprised of the 50 states, but also several Territories:


50 States plus the Federal District known as District of Columbia


Puerto Rico (Caribbean)

Northern Marianas Islands (Pacific) (former Trust Territory of the United Nations elected by plebiscite to join the U.S.)

Territories (there are various types)

Guam (Pacific - physically part of the Marianas Islands but politically separate)

American Samoa (Pacific)

U.S. Virgin Islands (Caribbean) (uses U.S. to distinguish from neighboring British Virgin Islands)

Miscellaneous Insular or Outlying Areas - these do not have a permanent population, and are periodically inhabited by military personnel or scientists, otherwise uninhabited

Baker Island (Pacific)

Howland Island (Pacific)

Jarvis Island (Pacific)

Palmyra Atoll (an atoll is a coral reef) (Pacific)

Johnston Island (Pacific)

Kingman Reef (Pacific)

Midway Islands (Pacific)

Wake Island (Pacific)

Navassa Island (Caribbean)

Freely Associated States - State here is used in the international sense as an independent country; a new category of “independent country” except the U.S. is responsible for their defense.

Federated States of Micronesia (Pacific) former United Nations Trust Territory

by plebiscite elected to become "independent"

Republic of the Marshall Islands (Pacific) former United Nations Trust Territory

by plebiscite elected to become "independent"

Republic of Palau (Pacific) former portion of a United Nations Trust Territory

by plebiscite elected to become "independent"

-- The US Geological Survey website

My fiancee is native Puerto Rican, and has been a US citizen every day of her life. She did not have to learn English to become a citizen. She only learned English in school and didn't use it on a regular basis until she was hired by the US Government for her engineering specialty. Puerto Rico came very close to being the 51st State during the Reagan era.

My daughter's school has more Native Americans than any other minority, and it is one of the Best schools in Oklahoma:

Ethnicity: This School / State Average

White, not Hispanic 60% / 61%

American Indian/Alaskan Native 18% / 18%

Black, not Hispanic 8% / 11%

Hispanic 7% / 8%

Asian/Pacific Islander 7% / 2%
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Paraphrasing The Treasure of Sierra Madre movie:

"Licenses? We ain't got no licenses. We don't need no licenses. I don't have to show you any stinking license!"

[Broken External Image]:
When you enter this country legally there is a paper trail that makes it easier to hold individuals responsible for their actions. When a citizen commits a felony, that felony will follow him for life. When a person is undocumented it becomes very difficult to track and prosecute people for their crimes.

On another note, I really can't understand how we can fight a war on "terra" without securing our borders. Thousands of unknowns cross the border weekly, and that is a huge threat that will be exploited soon. Then perhaps we'll finally see some real action.

I gotta disagree Bud. When I took my citizenship test in '88, in California no less, it was an oral test. The reason? To determine my understanding of and ability to speak the English language.

It may have changed now, but I had to know the lingo to become American.

My fiancee will be very unhappy to hear that after all these years, she and her family in Puerto Rico really aren't Americans. I never realized until today that the US even had an offical language. I suppose someone should let the US Congress know this and recall US Representative Luis G. Fortuño (PR - R)

I guess they'll have to stop voting too. :(

Somone needs to clue in Wikipedia also.

It may have had something to do with this:



SEC. 6. (a) Purpose.

English is the common language of the people of the United States

of America and the State of California. This section is intended to

preserve, protect and strengthen the English language, and not to

supersede any of the rights guaranteed to the people by this


(b) English as the Official Language of California.

English is the official language of the State of California.

(c) Enforcement.

The Legislature shall enforce this section by appropriate

legislation. The Legislature and officials of the State of

California shall take all steps necessary to insure that the role of

English as the common language of the State of California is

preserved and enhanced. The Legislature shall make no law which

diminishes or ignores the role of English as the common language of

the State of California.

They are pretty evenly divided.

On February 26, 1997, Congressman

Don Young of Alaska introduced House

Resolution 856, which called for a vote on

Puerto Rico’s status before December 31,

1998. Although the House Resolution

failed to be enacted, a plebiscite was nevertheless

held on December 13, 1998, in

which the Puerto Rican electorate rejected

all status options presented with “none of

the above” receiving a slight majority of the

votes. The votes were as follows:


Petition 1, “Territorial” Commonwealth

993 0.06%

Petition 2, Free Association

4536 0.29%

Petition 3, Statehood

728157 46.49%

Petition 4, Independence

39838 2.54%

None of the Above

787900 50.30%

Blank and Void Ballots

4846 0.31%

Source: http://www.house.gov/fortuno/pdf/PuertoRicoBooklet.pdf
The other illegals.....

It appears they have the same problem in Mexico. When I was down in Cancun, I saw American businessmen in suits, ties, briefcases lined up on corners waiting to be picked up.

Soon enough a pickup truck would pull up, the driver would hold out 2 fingers and mumble things in Spansish such as "contable y administrador de la red" (for you gringos, that is "accountant and network administrator"). The group would all gather around and then two would get in after finding their skills matched the need of their 'employer for the day'. The process seemed to work well.

I have heard that at night it is another story as the illegals get loaded on Dom Perignon and burn up and down the strip in their Lexus'(plural - Lexi?), BMWs and Mercedes causing havoc for the locals.

A common comment from the locals is, "Tome su asno blanco pasty de nuevo a los estados" and "Aprenda la lengua." (loosely translated to or "Take your pasty white ass back to the states" and "Learn the language."

So it is, they feel our pain as well.



I used to live in Palatine, Illinois, a burb northwest of Chicago, and the northern part of it is referred to as "little Mexico". A ton of small, one bedroom apartments that have, on average, 15-20 people living in them. It got really interesting around Cinco de Mayo, then you started wondering what country you lived in.

I had a woman run into my truck when I lived there and my insurance agent's only words of comfort were: "Just be glad the person who hit you wasn't Mexican - they tend to just run off because they don't have a license".

We got tired of stuff being stolen all the time, so we moved.
Called my dad last night, my folks live in FL in the winter. Dad is thinking of selling the decrepit '91 Lincoln he keeps there, asks the service station guy what it's worth. He said right now it's worth a good bit. Seems some Mexicans riding in the back of a pickup were killed in an accident on I-75 and now the cops are cracking down on people riding in the back of trucks, so now they're looking for big used cars to follow the truck to work sites.

Unfortunately modern Wal-Martized America values cheap above all else. If there were not a demand for cheap illegal immigrant labor, they wouldn't be here. At the same time, taxes and regulation often make legitimate business in some lines of work (like mine) uncompetitive because a lot of consumers simply don't care and/or the lower cost makes hiring them worth the risk.

I still think it was pretty damned funny when Bill Clinton couldn't find an Attorney General that hadn't hired an illegal as a nanny.

Illegals are not a problem here in Pittsburgh though. They're smart enough to go where the work is and that ain't here.
I find it so ironic that even before 9/11 people did not want illegal Mexicans in this country for whatever reason, now 9/11 is the reason... People these folks just want to work and they do it for peanuts... Just like your forefathers ... sad we have reduced them to runnning and hiding like animals because of this.... Just my thoughts.
Of course they work for peanuts.....When you don't pay taxes peanuts are like steak. However, for those of us who try to get all we can out of our salary, taxes, insurance and the like turns our steaks into peanuts. There is no difference. Jobsite foreman and buisness owners get the benefit of cheap labor and the illegals get food on the table and a roof over their heads, they both win. With the normal joe-shmo worker, the government gets thier portion and what do we get? a nice little pat on the head because we are good little lemmings.
Our office manager used to work for a Landscaping company. They had one landscaper who received calls periodically from Mexico. Apparently, he owned a villa down there with his own landscaper, cook, etc. and he came up to the US for half the year to work.

There are Mexican families that send one of their kids to work per year in the US to support the family. When the year is up, that kid comes home, and the next one goes. I can't remember the name of the Texas town near the Mexican border, but it is only known for its post office, where people from Mexico keep PO boxes to receive checks from their relatives working in the US.

Open up the borders to Mexico, we are already supporting them.:p
Yet another argument for a national sales tax instead of the income tax.

I'm not totally sure where Jenn D is going with that, but I agree I think.

When my ancestors came here from Europe over 100 years ago, they did so because there was work and a need for their skills doing jobs that the people already here for a while did not want to do any more. So things go full-circle. However at that time, we did not have nearly the taxes, regulation, and bueracracy that we do now and it was easier for people to work and in a roundabout way contribute to the community.

100 years ago:

No income tax. No Social Security tax. No health insurance. No car insurance (hardly any cars). No workmens' comp insurance. A lot less lawyers. No sales tax. No OSHA. No EEOC. A lot less accountants (see no taxes). No inheiritance tax. No EPA. No welfare. No unemployment comp.


Had to watch stepping in horse poop in the streets. No Sport Tracs.
Van Carrying 27 Suspected Illegals Crashes During Pursuit

and more than 60 arrested from the other two vans. Three vehicles - almost 90 people - WOW!!

If they had 90 separate vans they would have wasted a lot of gasoline. They were trying to help our nation's gas shortage. How thoughtful of them. :blink:
I find it so ironic that even before 9/11 people did not want illegal Mexicans in this country for whatever reason, now 9/11 is the reason... People these folks just want to work and they do it for peanuts... Just like your forefathers ... sad we have reduced them to runnning and hiding like animals because of this.... Just my thoughts.

I would assume that the same people did not want illegals here before 9/11, our safety and security is just one more reason to not want them here.

I find it so ironic that even before 9/11 people did not want illegal Mexicans in this country for whatever reason, now 9/11 is the reason... People these folks just want to work and they do it for peanuts... Just like your forefathers ... sad we have reduced them to runnning and hiding like animals because of this.... Just my thoughts.

You're right, Joseymack. Illegal immigration was a serious problem prior to 9/11. However, 9/11 caused us to take another look at the issue and realize what a serious security threat it is to our country. You're also right that people don't want illegal Mexicans in this country... But it's not for "whatever" reason, and it's not because of 9/11. The reason is because they enter the country illegally! I don't think anyone wants to deny them the right to work and take advantage of opportunities in America, as long as they do it legally. And it's not just like our forefathers... They entered this country legally.

Yet another argument for a national sales tax instead of the income tax.

100 years ago:

No income tax. No Social Security tax. No health insurance. No car insurance (hardly any cars). No workmens' comp insurance. A lot less lawyers. No sales tax. No OSHA. No EEOC. A lot less accountants (see no taxes). No inheiritance tax. No EPA. No welfare. No unemployment comp.

Exactly, JohnnyO. If the Fair Tax is passed, then all of the illegals here working for cash and not paying taxes in this country would then be paying their fair share. With all the illegals in the country, think of all the tax revenue that could be gained...
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