He didn't get death

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Jean Hogan

Jun 15, 2002
Reaction score
Harker Heights, TX
I am normally a proponent of the death penalty, but in this case my view can best be expressed by paraphrasing a moving scene from Law and Order. At the sentencing hearing of a convicted murderer, the victim's mother stood up and said something like:

I forgive you. I hope you have good health and a very long life...in that terrible place you're going to.

I couldn't have said it better...
I'm VERY disappointed in the verdict of life. This guy is now going to sit in jail for the rest of his life on our dime. He didn't try to hid the fact that he had a part in it all. He is probably in his cell laughing at all the bleeding heart Americans that couldn't do what he was willing to do. KILL! I am an advocate for the death penalty. As flawed as our Justice System can be, I do agree with some points that it needs to be looked at and restructured. In this day and age of DNA and such, if you have evedence that proves 100% that the person is guilty, (for example a confession, DNA, and more than 1 eye witness to the crime that pointed them out from a group of pictures or a line-up) and the crime is punishable by death, then you get death and it's not 20 years till it gets carried out. I may even go as far as saying you get one chance to appeal. If the second jury still upholds the prior verdict, they should be walked from the courtroom to the chamber and the sentence carried out right then. I know I'll catch flack for saying that but it's just my opinion. I'm not trying to push anything onto anyone. I just can't believe that a man like that is now just going to sit in prison when he took part in something of that caliber. What has the USA just shown every "Terrorist" out there? Come over here, help plan and carry out crashing planes into two buildings, killing thousands and we'll put you in prison for the rest of your life. We will also give you three square meals a day, a place to sleep, internet access, and cable TV with HBO so you don't miss the next episode of "The Sapranos".
Stonemiser, normally I TOTALLY agree with you. Every child molester/killer, burglar/thief that kills or conspires to kill (doesn't matter whether it's an accident or intentional) should be immediately marched to the gallows. The only thing I'm happy about in this case is the fact that he will miss out on all those virgins and all that glory. He will not be held up as a martyr or as a reason for more mindless bloodshed by control-freaked radicals. I want him to suffer. I do not want him to be rewarded with what he wants: those (IMO mythical) virgins and the Islamic version of sainthood. I hope "life" truly means "life in Prison without any hope of parole or release". Too often I see murderers getting out after 15 or so years after getting that sentence. Makes me sick.
The concern is that if you give him the death penalty and follow through with it, he would become an instant martyr to the radical muslims - and we don't want to gratify them with that. Death would be easy. Something tells me he's going to abused for the rest of his life in prison, which would be a good thing.
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Wish they would send him to Guantanamo and let the guards take out all their frustrations on him. Just torture the sh*t out of him 24 hours a day. Even that is to good for him.
I think it says something about our nation that we punish this guy for the rest of his life, rather than simply saw away at his neck with a dull machette.
I agree with you guys. The only problem is, is he already is a martyr. Weither he got put to death or not. He is being convicted for his beliefs. He will be a god to all the others like him in prison. Probably even lead the group. I don't care if he thinks he'll get virgins when he dies. I say, let's speed up the meeting of the two. Why put him into a situatiion of "preaching" to other people as narrowminded as he is and getting them to do his dirty work when they get out. Just because we have him locked up for life doesn't mean he can't get other's (who get out tomorrow, or a month, or a year from now) to do his dirty work. He needs to be locked up in a cell with the sort that will "stretch" out his backside and force feed him pork. Then he should be walked down to the chamber and put to sleep like the animal he is. Just my opinion everyone.;)
Unless he is in solitary he will more than likely get the death sentence. Someone on the inside will see to that. If possible, he may try suicide. Depends on what is available to him and where he is...

normally I would agree with everything you say - string 'em up. Get a rope!!! BUT,

Probably even lead the group. I don't care if he thinks he'll get virgins when he dies. I say, let's speed up the meeting of the two. Why put him into a situatiion of "preaching" to other people as narrowminded as he is and getting them to do his dirty work when they get out.
do you think he will be in the general population and if he is, do you think he will last long? I'm thinking he won't and if he is, then he won't. We'll have to wait, see and hope ;)

I heard a discussion about this on the radio on the way to work this morning. He is supposed to be incarcerated in the Supermax prison in Colorado--home to some of Americas worst criminals including "Una-Bomber" Ted Kaczynski, would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid, and Olympic bomber Eric Rudolph. That means he'll be in solitary confinement in an 8X10 underground cell 23 hours a day, with no human contact save for the guards that deliver his meals.

I thought he should've gotten the death penalty, but then I heard an interesting point: A death sentence actually costs the taxpayers more than life in prison, when you factor in the 15-20 years of appeals and all the associated expenses. So a life sentence is the cheaper of the two.

I don't think he would've been consider a "martyr for the cause" if he'd been executed, because he failed in his task; he was caught. With most Islamic extremeists, to be a martyr, to be a martyr means to sacrifice your life for Allah in the jihad. Moussaui totally failed in this task. I don't think he's got any virgins waiting for him, whether he's executed or dies after a long life in prision.
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He is going to be in as close to permanent solitary as you can get.

23 hours a day in solitary lockdown, with 1 hour a day alone in an exercise yard - forever - will finish off his already mentally unstable balance. Unquestionably he is a quack that was brainwashed or naturally occurred due to age. Within a couple years of life like this his brain will be so chemically altered and screwed up he will be living a tormentuous hell on earth of which he won't escape.
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:lol: TJR

I think he needs to swing from a big oak on the White House lawn. But since that would never happen, and since he didn't get the death penalty, I hope what happens to him is what chops described.

I know how to cut into the national debt. Bring back the firing squads. Make it 6 positions, and auction the positions off on eBay, one by one. The price will go up as the number of available slots goes down. All you need is a few high profile cases, and that should cut out a small portion of the debt, or at least pay for the appeals.
Good idea, Jeff. And to generate more revenue, put it on pay-per-view. This would also act as a powerful deterrent.
Yowza!! Starting to sound like "their" world. Public punishment, including execution, is frequent over there. It doesn't appear to help in some regards, otherwise we wouldn't be having this particular discussion.

I was thinking of wrapping him up in wet leather strips from head to toe and on a sunny day set him out in a big parking lot on fresh black top and we could sale limonade and t-shirts. It would probably take about 7 hours for the leather to shrink enouf.

Unfortunately, being the bigger man does not mean a thing to extremists. We used to have public hangings in this country, and the last one was only 70 years ago in front of 20,000 people. I tell ya one thing, if I was a kid, and I saw someone being killed for something, I'd make sure I didn't do that "something"