Help!! Flashing O/D Off and Check Engine

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george linck

Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Washington, PA
Sorry about the lack of a message, I goofed.

Last week with your help, I cleaned my IAC motor after the ST was stalling out. today my O/D Off light started flashing and then the check engine light came on and stays on. 02 St with 42,500 miles. Any ideas or suggestions. George
The O/D blinking is not a good sign, is it still blinking?

If so, take it for a diagnostic to a good tranny shop or the dealer, better safe than sorry.

For the Check Engine light, you can take the truck to Autozone and they'll read the code for you, post the code and we'll try to help you, probably the EGR sensor failed, the elbow vaccum hose cracked or something similar.
the flashing O/D light is probably a tranny code tripped for a bad EPC Solenoid (Electronic Pressure Control) ...just a guess, only because I had to have mine replaced at just under 15,000 miles...luckily under warranty. The dealership told me it was sort of common (unfortunately)....
I had a blinking O/D light for a few seconds once on the freeway going about 95 and i just ignored it and it hasn't happened since and this was last year and my tranny is still going so i guess i didnt FUBAR it.