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Judd Quarles

Active Member
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Palestine, TX
Well it has happened to me- the Trac has been damaged. My beautiful dark stone paint. I honestly don't know whether it was keyed or if something sticking out of someone's truck scraped it or what but it is bad.

<img src='' width=572 height=572 >

I am an easygoing guy...but this pisses me off. Couldn't someone leave a note, or do something??

I don't have insurance that covers this since I paid the Trac off so I don't know what to do.
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Police report done. I also asked some people that might have been around the parking lot...they didn't see anything or at least that's what they claimed.
I don't believe they had any security cameras, but nonetheless I will check.

Does anyone know if there is any kind of filler that can be put in and then painted? Even if this is done, I will have to take it to a body shop...but about how much would they charge to do that?

Thanks to you people for listening for my rants.
I'm confused why you don't have insurance. The value of the Trac is near $20,000. Why wouldn't you have full coverage?

That said, it is probably below worth getting the insurance company involved anyways based on your deductible.

My guess, $500.00 ish to get it repaired correctly due to the work and blending involved.
Well, I guess I don't have insurance because I've been too lucky in the past...sometimes it takes something like this to make you realize these things. I previously had a 2000 Ford Explorer that I drove about 150,000 miles all over the country and I had done the same thing- dropped full coverage after it was paid for. I never had any trouble. But I guess I have learned my lesson.

Anyway, the repair will be around $300. So, you're right, even if I had insurance it would just be cheaper to pay for it most likely. So, I am happier today as I figured it would cost more...but knowing someone in the body work business doesn't hurt :)