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Kyle Cogar

Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
annapolis, MD
I was driving, switched lanes to get over and then no gas.... Car wasn't giving me anything. I try to start it and it sounds like it wants to but won't stay on. It will barely start but then die right after. What could this be?

I recently changed the IAC, fuel filter, air filter, cleaned the MAF MODULE, and changed the spark plugs. Well about 3 months ago. Help!
Posibly the fuel pump. Just best guess.

Will it start at all if you hold the accelerator @ 1/3, while cranking.

Make sure the throttle cable is not broken.

Also if you have your owner manual. Check the fuses for the ECU.
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Also there is a fuel shutoff under passenger side panel under glove compartment. It shuts off fuel if in an accident and has to be flipped back on. Not likely this is the problem, but worth a look.
How many miles do you have it on it? Maybe perhaps the ALT went out while driving. That had happened to me one time. It had also killed the new battery I just installed a day before. While driving it killed off all the lights while driving at dark and also the heat. When I noticed this I pulled over quickly and then truck would try to crank but wouldn't start.

Since having my truck 04, have went through 2 ALT's. I have 151k miles.
uhg. got it towed. $115. they said its my fuel pump. They are trying to charge me $700 to install a new one. I called around and the lowest i got was $600. I found a new fuel pump on rock auto for $184plus shipping. might have to spend a saturday putting in a new fuel pump. This will be my first time. Wish me luck
DIY, Not that bad or hard. IMO that is too much for labor. It happens to be one of those jobs. Private citizens dont tackle. So shops stick it to us.

All you need are the tools and a tall floor jack and a piece of plywood. If the tank is low on fuel. 2 people can drop it by hand. Provided one hand can do the disconnects..LOL

I did it bymyself on my '88 t-bird with 18gallons of fuel, in the tank. Took me 3hrs. Worth every bit of the $$$ hundreds saved.

Its simplar to do than most think.
are you sure it isnt the inertia switch? i remember seeing a thread about a guy who replaced his pump only to realize it was the switch, the switch turns the pump off, so it seems like it would be easy to misdiagnose
Your insurance might cover for the tow if your covered for it. I pay an extra $2.00 per 6 months for towing and they allow up to $100 towing fee. I am with State Farm Insurance. The time I needed towing, they covered the tow of $106. I was very thankful.

That was DReaman. After changing his pump. He found out it was the inertia switch, wouldnt reset.

I remember all the comments. That the switches dont go bad. Then within a month or so. Couple more members had the same problem.

I had forgoten about it until you mentioned it.

Kyle you can test this theory. By jumping the switch wires together. Could be the difference in $$ and work.
I second the inertia switch idea. Had it happen to me. I had my 10 year old son with me and had stopped to grab some lunch. Got back in truck and it would not start. Battery seemed to be fully charged, it was just acting like it was not getting fuel. It wasn't!! Had it towed thinking fuel pump, but the shop I use spent a little time with it and discovered the inertia switch was tripped. They reset it and I have not had any issues since and that was over a year ago. :) but I never even thouht about the swithc as I have never had one trip before. And no idea why it did this time.
Yep, that was me. Every time I reset the switch, it worked again for a little while, but then tripped again. By the time I got it home, the switch was so hot the connector was melting! Oh well, new connectors are only a junkyard away!

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