Hit a dog...worst day ever

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Bart Adkins

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Trumbull County, OH
On the way to work a HUGE German Shepard ran out in front of me. I nailed it doing about 45 mph. I hit him with the front left side of the bumper and ran over him with both left wheels. I've seen shetland ponies that were smaller.

I'm the kind of guy that catches spiders with a tissue and lets them go outside. I don't hurt things ever. I killed this beautiful dog and I almost cried. I stopped and got out of my Trac. I was going to walk up to the house and tell the owner what happened. The dog I killed has a big brother. Big brother dog didn't think I should walk up to the house at all. Since this dog probably weighed as much as me, and definately had bigger teeth than I do, I decided to get back in my Trac and go to work.

I stopped at the house on the way home and talked to the owner. I didn't want him to go to bed tonight thinking someone ran his dog down and didn't stop, didn't care. He was glad I came to him "like a man should".

I talked to my insurance company and the Bat Trac goes into the body shop Monday. The whole front clip, grill and bumper cover need replaced. I even still have dog fur wedged between my tire and rim. The dog owner is liable and his homeowners insurance will pay for the damage...but I still feel bad for him, the dog, my truck...CRAP today sucked.

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I know it sucks. I one time ran over a cat, but unfortunatly did not kill it. I did what I had to do and ended its life with my bare hands. That really sucks.

I feel for you.

I was delivering a rare Hummel plate from my grandparents shop to another shop. The plate was valued at just under $2000.00

So here I am cruising down the road and like you, this HUGE dog runs out in front of me.

I ran right over it even though I slammed on the brakes. The plate went flying.

Both the plate and the dog survived though.

But I got to tell you, he was PISSED....
That sucks....

Todd Z
Bart good for you for doing the right thing.

I hit a cat near a farm by my house. I knocked on the door of the homeowner and found out it was a stray. I borrowed a shovel and a burlap sack and his dumpster.

Another time the car in front of me hit a dog crossing the road just around the corner from our house. The driver felt really bad. The dog, an older terrier or some similar breed was killed on the spot. By the time I got stopped the driver was crying besides the road and the dog owner running to the street. The two ladies (the driver and the owner) were their crying in each others arms. Like a heal I asked if they had a wheelbarrel and a blanket. I scoped up the dog (pulling a nice tuft of hind leg hair first just to make sure he was really dead, not just kinda dead...) then put him in the wheelbarrel and wheeled him to the house.

It's a tough situation.

Too bad for you and the dog both. People shouldn't let their dogs run loose on purpose. OTOH as we all know, they can get loose accidentally.

That doesn't make you feel any better though.
I agree, you did the right thing. Those kinds of things happen. That is why they call it an accident. I hit a dog one time, it was on the side of the road and darted out in front of me. Almost like it tried to get hit. I did everything I could in the split second I had. I didn't kill the dog, but I think a leg was broken. It ran off into a backyear and so I followed it. I saw the owner let it in, so I ran arond to the front door. I explained what happened and he didn't really even care. He said he would look at it tomorrow.

You should feel good that you did everything you could.
It is always sad to of this kind of thing happening, but sometimes they just cannot be avoided. I found out a couple of years ago that dogs have no depth-of-field, so we need to be extra causious with our dogs because they cannot judge speed or distance.
Its a sad thing, but be grateful that if this is the worst day ever for you, then you are having a good life. Many people have lost much more. :(
Man, and the girlfriend is worried about the mouse/mice in her house. She woulnd't hurt a spec of dust. However, if it keeps her from beng able to sell her million+ mansion, she has already said she will become a killer..or at least she will let me do it for her and she will turn her head.

I have outkicked my coverage. Her house is massive (8,000 sq ft) and it does have critters other than me shacking up there. You can hear them having parties in the walls and her fancy kitchen and the attic has evidence of past varmit poop parties.. Besides the normal style mousetrap, does anyone have the proverbial "better" mouse-trap they can reccommend? She is avoiding to have to spending the money for the paid hit squad in the form of exterminators.

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