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Rich Stern

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2000
Reaction score
Lawrenceville, GA
Just got in a couple of hours ago. 845 miles in 12 hours. Nice day for a drive. :)

A big thanks to the folks who attended the Dallas meet. I know it's a very long drive for most of you. As I said yesterday, you are all as unique as your STs. You showed your true colors as hardcore ST enthusiasts...very cool!

A big, special thanks to these folks for volunteering their time:

Anne Brezina

Paul Brezina

Jeremy Cope

Ed Milanes

Sheila Nickels

Eric Pennal

And another special thanks to Bryan Olson of Ford, who not only worked very hard and spent a significant amount of his Ford budget on us, but also managed to survive hanging around with us for a few days. Now that is an accomplishment!


Glad you had a safe trip home.. You and the others did a great job getting this meet put together dispite 2 hurricanes trying to blow everyone away. It was also good to see some of the old tried and true-blue Sport Trac'rs again and meeting some of the newer members as well.

I did miss LaRue & Rose, Chris Wells, Howard, and David with his M7M games. Looking forward to the next June event in Louisville.

We left the hotel around 7:15 yesterday morning and pulled in our driveway in K.C. at 4:00 p.m. It was really great to meet everyone and Rob and I had alot of fun. A big thanks to Bryan Olson and Ford for their hospitality!! -Heather :D
Thank you Rich for all you did. Iam sorry I could not make the trek. I wanted to. I had other comitments to pop up about a month before the meet. Then I had to, boardup and run from, Rita. It is just now starting to feel normal around my house.

Though I didnt make it, I thank you for all your work and effort....
Rich, much thanks to you and Bryan Olson for all the wonderful stuf we Trac'ers got to bring home, and also for all the fun we had. Nathan and I will be back, but this time I think Sheri wants to stay home (too hot for her). Thanks again.


Glad you made it back alright! I had a great time, and it was great to meet everyone face to face. I definately had fun, and I really want to do it again!

I reached Fulton Mo about 930 last night.

Thanks again for everything!
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Glad everyone made it home safely. I got as far as Bowling Green, KY yesterday, and rolled into Buffalo around 7pm today.

Hey Larry, thanks for the advice. The jerky kept me rollin he past two days.

[Broken External Image]:
Rich, glad to see you made it home all right. It was a pleasure to meet you and all the others

at the meet. This was my first meet and I really enjoyed my self. I finally arrived home Monday about 3:00 pm after a stop over in Kansas City. Thanks for all the hard work you & the rest of your team did. I wish the people who didn't show up could have seen all of the obvious work you & others did. I will be looking forward to going to next year's event.

Thanks Rich!

Amy & I had a great time with some of the regulars.

We all ways look forward to the next meet when we can be with our Sport Trac Family.


Rich glad you made it home safe and same for all of you -I am back in Kingman Just got back an hour ago. I think the meet was a success. Sure we didn't have as many tracs as previous years but you know what. I had ALOT of fun! Everyone I met was/is very nice, and I think we all really enjoyed the Ford Show as well as the meet!

No matter where the next meet is..Whether its the Local meet or National meet. I hope all that did not attend one this year will attend the next one (if we have one) A meet is alot of hard work to put on and alot of planning has to be done. Meets are for the members of this website. YOU are who make it what it is. For those of you that did not make the National meet this time. I hope you do next time. You missed out on alot of very interesting news and info.

To Rich and the other Committee members and (Bryan) & Ford Thank you all for the hard work, events and gifts! I truly enjoyed every moment. (And went back yesterday to look at the 07 again :) ) I'm glad you all took pics b/c I didn't get one pic at the meet at all. I was having so much fun!

ps thanks to all of you that sang Happy Birthday to me at the meet, that was very sweet of each of you :) (I'm ageless!) :)

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