Let me preface this by saying that this is coming from a person that most people who post on this board would classify as one of those out-in-left-field liberals...
On this subject, Rush was right. And he was unfairly crucified for a comment that was NOT racist.
For some reason, lots of people seemed to respond (and continue to do so) like Rush said that McNabb isn't any good, and it's because he's black. And if he had said that, I'd be calling for his head like everyone else. But that's not what he said. He said that McNabb isn't as good as some people make him out to be (which is true, when you consider that there are/were people out there who make/made McNabb out to be the second coming of Unitas, and although he's a good quarterback, he's not at THAT type of Hall of Fame level, at least at this point in his career), and he said that he thinks the reason some of those people think of him that way is because of their desire to see a black quarterback succeed. Which a) was stated as an opinion, which is what he was being paid to provide, and b) isn't really that controversial of an opinion--just as there are racist people out there who dislike McNabb and other black athletes, and want to see them fail just because they're not white, there are also racist people out there who love McNabb and want to see him and other black athletes succeed only for that very same reason.