J Jordan Keene Member Joined Feb 15, 2004 Messages 17 Reaction score 0 Location Pikeville, KY Sep 11, 2005 #1 i have a vac leak and have no clue how to find it i know i replaced the elbow and all off the attchments around it are on
i have a vac leak and have no clue how to find it i know i replaced the elbow and all off the attchments around it are on
Todd Z Well-Known Member 4 wheel drive 2nd Gen owner V8 Engine Joined Sep 21, 2003 Messages 22,544 Reaction score 842 Location Long Island, NY What engine do you have? V8 engine What year is your Sport Trac? 2010 What Generation is your Sport Trac? 2n Gen Owner Sep 11, 2005 #2 You can also take a propane torch, the little blue one, start the truck, then open the gas for the propane ( DO NOT LIGHT) and point it all around the engine at gaskets and hoses.. IF the engine rpm increases or stumbles you haver found your leak.. Todd Z
You can also take a propane torch, the little blue one, start the truck, then open the gas for the propane ( DO NOT LIGHT) and point it all around the engine at gaskets and hoses.. IF the engine rpm increases or stumbles you haver found your leak.. Todd Z