How to get rid of cigarette smell

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Cancer may not be caused by tobacco, but there's no doubt that people who use tobacco succumb to cancer at far greater rates than those who don't. According to the CDC, the risk of dying of lung cancer for an adult male who smokes is 22 times greater than for an adult male who has never smoked. Risk of stroke is also doubled, as is coronary heart disease. In addition, 90% of all COPD deaths are attributed to smoking.

We're all going to die of something, but tobacco use is completely preventable and damn expensive, so I guess I just don't see why people would choose to pay good money for the right to die sooner.
I lost a grandfather a few years ago. He had smoked two packs everyday from the time he was 12 years old until he quit just two years before he died. Of course he also worked for Hooker Chemical company as a maintenance supervisor in Niagara Falls, so he was around toxic chemicals all his life. Poor grandpa only lived to 92, despite quitting smoking at age 90.
There's no amount of "logic" or arguing that will ever make smoking a wise or even rational life decision.

And if you don't know what COPD is, look it up. I've watched many people die from it. It's not pretty. And, as noted above, 90% of them are/were smokers.
But what I don't like is the people that talk down to us smokers like we are a piece of dirt. Acting like they are better than us. Hell, I bet you non smokers do stuff that isn't good for you. That fast food burger you ate could kill you faster than my smokes will.

I agree. Gets on my nerves too. :angry:AND WTF DOES TRASH TALKING ABOUT SMOKERS or my momma, grandma, cousin in law twice removed, etc got cancer HAVE TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL QUESTION? :rolleyes:Stay on topic people....

Steam clean the carpets with seats removed, let windows down overnight to dry, then spray down with febreeze and let sit with windows up over the weekend. And spray Ozium in vents.
There's no doubt that smokers aren't very bright.

Fast food might kill, but it's easy to give up.

Nicotine is an addiction and hard to shake.

Most addicts are in denial, present company included.

WTF?! That is highly insulting.:angry: I take that crap very personal. Who moderates this forum? DO YOUR JOBS! Personal attacks should not be allowed. :rolleyes:


Congrats we have our first BAN !!!

Todd Z

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Thanks Todd,

I read the remark "there's no doubt that smokers aren't very bright" yesterday, and was offended/ticked off by the comment, but didn't say anything due to the last line in his complete comment "of present company included". I took that as he was including himself in the "not very bright" category as well.
Congrats we have our first BAN !!!

aww poor Jerry G.

Does anyone else think he looks kind of like Red Foreman?! (BTW not meant to be an insult in the least, I think Red Foreman one helluva guy ;))
Oh come on, you are banning Jerry for this?

There's no doubt that smokers aren't very bright.

Fast food might kill, but it's easy to give up.

Nicotine is an addiction and hard to shake.

Most addicts are in denial, present company included.

I took it as a light-hearted discussion. He didn't point it at any one person. It wasn't extremely hateful or mean-spirited. He even included himself in the group that he was "attacking".

Banning him for this post seems very harsh.

You probably need to ban me as well.

I know you can do what you want, and that is your perrogative.

I don't know Jerry or have a dog in his fight, but this just seems a little extreme to me.


I don't have to explain my self to any one..

But It was NOT Jerry...

I Falsed out some posts people did not see from other members.... Some got warned, 1 got temporarily banned....

Todd Z
Back to the origianl post--

Honestly, you can significantly remove it, but you will never fully get the smell out. Depending on how sensitive your son is to the cigarette smell, he may be smelling that odor until the day he sells it. And if he's unable to tolerate it, selling may be the only practical option.
I don't have to explain my self to any one..

Agreed--but that doesn't mean that Gavin (or others) shouldn't be allowed or should be criticized himself for offering some criticism of your actions. (Or of what he perceived to be your actions--which, as it turns out in this case, were incorrect perceptions.)

Thus thats why I did not take action on him.....

I saw what he was saying, It was clear.... He then apologized in his way... Again I understand that......

People are going to push me, and I will fight back... But now I am not backing down any more.

Cursing, attacking, ripping this site, is not acceptable...

AND everyone should respect that.....

The site is a free and open forum... For it to stay that way we need people to work together... Honestly the sponsors will not be around much longer with the truck production coming to an end.....

The site will be here as long as I own a ST and can afford to maintain the site....

IT s that simple...

Todd Z

If it gets to the point that the site is costing you money to Run, start charging members a yearly fee to belong.

Most Sites I belong to charge a nominal 10/15 bux a year, but also offer free membership with restricted options such as uploading pics etc, bandwidth cost money, not a clue how much.

You should not have to pay one cent out of pocket to administer the site.

can almost gaurantee that 99% of the regulars would glady pay the toke
Todd, no problems--I agree with about 99.8% of what you're saying. I just thought that Gavin's misunderstanding of whom was banned was completely understandable (I had come to the same incorrect conclusion until you clarified), and I didn't think he was at all in the wrong to question that ban if it had happened, or deserving of any criticism for doing so--especially since he did it in a rather polite, respectful manner.

Anyway, since I still have no idea of the full extent of the offense resulting in the ban, but am now clear that it wasn't Jerry's comment, I definitely trust that you took appropriate action.


Bill, I don't want to keep running this post off topic.....

All I can say was it was asked a while ago and close to 80% of the replies said they would NOT pay a yearly fee.....

With that said, lets get this post back on topic.... Any more recommendations on removing the cig smell, Please start a new post..

Todd Z

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