I Am Legend = Ford commercial

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That was when cars on the lot actually had gasoline in them? I bet those were good times....back then rental companies probably gave you a full tank of gas standard as well.

Anything I said won't ruin the movie--not just because the movie was so bad that it can't be further tarnished--but because the course is obvious, and the good parts of the movie have nothing to do with what I mentioned. (unless you're one of the crowd who thought will smith exercising was a good point....)

Even if there had been a "Warning: Spoiler" tag in the thread, something still would have been seen...and when you elect to see the movie, you'll realize that they aren't true spoilers at all. Carlos Mencia had a rant about how the ending of the movie doesn't matter so much as how it gets there. That is true enough--the Journey is always more important than the destination.

(**if ya'll are gonna quote kenny rogers, whoever the heck that may be--ad nauseum--then I can quote mencia ;) )

I hear from those that saw it that the Omega Man version was far superior. B-rate 70s movies are almost always good. Star Wars, Billy Jack, Death Race 2000, Dirty Harry, The Driver.....and we all know that remakes are most often inferior.

Though I am glad that the movie deviated from the book, as in the book the mutants were more vampiric, and there was importance to the mutant leader's girl......a combination of Blade and children of men. (2 movies which started out with potential, and then failed...imo)

This movie was a first for me though--a movie which received atrocious critic reviews truly was bad. Rush Hour 3, for example, was "awarded" a 1/10 by the same local critic who gave I am Legend a 1/10. Rush Hour 3 was hilariously great.....I am legend was laughably bad...until I realized that I spent 6.25 to see the movie. Where did you see a 5 dollar matinee? Perhaps the movie was better for you as you spent less to suffer through it? ;)


More Good Points:

)Maryland was Represented

)NYC died while Rent was on broadway

)Superman versus Batman was made into a movie (a laugh)

)The USS Blackbird was featured

)Will was hoist by his own petard

)4WD and Push Bars were shown in their full glory.

You know, what happened to movies having stuff after the credits? It seemed like they always did, and now they never do :(
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It might turn out to be good....I remember seeing the ad for Transformers, and thinking that it would suck, but it turned out to be pretty good. Though personally, I'll be taking my dinero to see the death race 2000 remake for 08 movies.
Superman vs Batman will happen. There has been talk about this movie for years.

Even the Director of the last Superman Returns movie made mention to it and thinks it will happen soon.

As for the cars that he drives in the movie... Maybe he is just a Ford Guy! :D I know I would be picking a Ford if I had a choice! LOL!


Mark M said:
It would have been nice if they simply named it the same title as the original movie...like they do with other remakes. I could have saved myself three hours of time and a $10 ticket.

It isn't a remake persay. "I Am Legend" is based on the book of the same name. "The Omega Man" was also based on that book. Therefore it isn't a true remake, IMHO.

I will go see the movie. I am expecting the main character to die in the end.

Superman versus Batman was made into a movie (a laugh

This morning on Direct TV 101 I was watching "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians". :lol:

It was great, in a perverse sort of B-movie way.
I am expecting the main character to die in the end.

All men die, but not all men truly live....especially when they kill themselves.

BTW, the movie is only 2 hours long. But unless you revel in anti-climatic events, by the time the halfway mark comes up, you'll feel as though you've been in that theatre for life. The only movie which I can recall being this bad was 3:10 to Yuma, where the loser main villain incarcerates himself. (and the main character essentially kills himself)

Can't Hollywood develop a way to move a plot without the main characters having to bring about their own ends? Are the forces of "good" so weak that the only way that they can hope for victory is to either kill themselves and pray for sufficient collateral damage, or inspire the villains to bring about their own ends while the "good" commits suicide via a third party?

"Evil will always win because Good is Dumb."--that seems to have become a truth somehow.

Seems as though the only good movies are summer movies.....Sad but True.
It was entertaining and good enough not to insult my intelligence. Kevin made some valid points above but jeeze, I mean, jeeze.

Back on topic, yeah this movie was Ford all the way. Did anyone notice the Ford Interceptor concept in one of the billboards?
One year 24 was aired without commercials on the premier episode due to extensive ford product placement.

I'd rather watch one long commercial intermingled with the show than have the action broken up by completely irrelevant commercials during the breaks.

My two sons and I liked the movie quite a bit.

I haven't read the book, but now plan to.

As for comparisons to "The Omega Man", I have to say, that was simply a different movie...better in some regards, worse in others.

I liked "I Am Legend". It was a little slow in parts, but overall a good solid film that did a very good job of portraying just how difficult, and lonesome it would be being a sole survivor in a huge city.

I'm not so sure that NYC streets would be reclaimed by vegation that quickly (it was three years I think) but maybe so.

If you are into that kind of film (action, sci fi drama, zombie films) then by all means go see it.

KevinL, you didn't like the "Hollywood" ending of the main character sacrificing himself in the end...

Maybe this so-called "original ending" is better for you?

Yeah it is, Dingo. If I had known it'd be something like that I might've ponied up the extra few bucks for the alternate ending version DVD.
I remember reading somewhere that Henry Ford and the Warner brothers made a pact a looooooooooooong time ago that Ford Motor Company would provide them with vehicles for the princely sum of $1.00. That's right, a buck. As far as I know, that agreement is still honored today. Even back then, Henry knew that movies would be great advertising! Guess you could say he pretty much was a pioneer in product placement.