I know this is snake oil... but...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2001
Reaction score
Chesterfield, VA
Was looking for something that I had seen on a TV ad to read more about it, and came across this gem... Most things I can look at and somehow see how maybe it would work. This thing here... I am clueless.. Just not enough information on how/why is is supposed to work.. They say right in the video that it reduces the load on your electrical system, and increases performance. lol :banana::banana:

Any ideas on this crap that over half a million people have blown 50 bucks on and why??

Favorite line from the video as said by the 12 yr old girl "We just love the Neo Scoket!"
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Nothing about the product makes any logical sense. At least some of the other snake oil products try to put some kind of stupid reasoning behind their product.

Get it. Let me know how great it is. :banana:

edit: Looks like a nightlight. Maybe they think that if you have a nightlight in your car, you won't be as scared of the dark, and will then drive better without using as much gas :D
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Not interested in it. Was actually looking for the Topsy Turvy tomato thing. My neighbor got one and it seemed to be doing pretty well so far. His are way ahead of mine and we planted at the same time (mine are in the ground). Just wanted to read about them again. I saw them at BJ's...may get it for next year. Had to watch Vince try to sell the slap chop while I was there too....

I would rather spend 20 bucks for two upside down tomato tent than 50 bucks on a cigarette lighter night light...

You know, after seeing this, I will have to open an add in a magazine that says...

"Send a dollar before it is too late" and give them a PO Box to mail the dollar to.

I am sure there are people that will do it.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.....And people buy that crap, and others will swear it works for them ?? Oh well, as P.T. Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute".

Why are only asians in the video?

(With a tinge of stereotypical failings of pronunciation :)

"Relcome to Chity Products, can I take your money prease?"

Is that even an LED? It almost looks incandescent :( If anything, that queerly-shaped "chandelier" style light bulb will decrease mpg with its electrical load.
But Wait .... If You Order Now....
wow... how retarted

love how it claims to improve gas milage 10-15% and its the best way to keep money in a familys budget..

y not just save 50 and not buy it...?


If I don't hear Billy Mays yelling about it, I pay no attention. If you really want to pay $50.00 for it, Let me know I am looking to sell my bridge in Brooklyn.
As a "bonus" they include a fire extinguisher for putting out your dashboard flames. ;)
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