I parked the ST out of the way of the plow

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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, ME
Well I decided to back up the driveway so I could back around onto the lawn out of the way of the plow truck. We were in the middle of a blizzard, it had snowed then rained then temp dropped fast and it was snowing again when this happened at about 1am. Everything added together made for a bad experience. I had been awake for over 30hrs so I wasn't all with it and the driveway was sheer ice. I had it in 4x4 and was doing all right, tires spinning a little so I got up some momentum to get up the little hill halfway up my driveway. When I started down the other side I could tell I was a bit off to the side so I tried to slow down and correct but just slid off into the snow back. The ST stopped for a second but a soon as I gave it a little gas it spun a little and slipped over the edge of the drop and then I was a quick scary slide down, I was afraid I was going to roll for a minute there. I had to climb out the passenger side. After a quick look around I walked up to the house and went to sleep just hoping to find no damage in the daylight. The next morning after much cutting of trees my father was able to pull me out without much trouble (he has an F-250 plow truck). I lucked out, one flat tire, one broken mud flap, and a couple of almost unoticable small dents in the front drivers side fender.

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Do us a favor and edit your post.

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Thank you, Caymen.. I was going crazy trying to read and look at the pictures at the same time.


That had to be scary! The ST it pretty tough, it'll take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!
Glad your ok...

Todd Z
Yes, you could get a ticket for parking in the road if you are on a snow route. :lol:

From the headline, I thought you were going to show the plow had put a six foot tall pile of snow and ice at the end of your driveway.

Glad everything turned out OK, with only minor damages to the ST. :)

Also looks like it was more than a "little" more gas.......

Todd Z

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Sorry about the messed up layout I didn't know and will keep it in mind for the future. If its any excuse I posted this from my new "widescreen" laptop.

Todd when I stopped the first time I was apparently right on the edge of the drop off. I immediately put it in drive to go forward and gave it the gas and I guess it was more than a little because as I recall just a little wouldn't move me at all. When the tires did start spinning it just slid sideways a few more inches and that was enough to start the slid down the bank.

Gavin I probably could have driven it out if I had shoveled a lot, sanded a lot, and cut all the trees that in front and in the drivers side direction. I could have have turned it to the left and driven up the gradual hill toward my pond but that would have been more work then cutting the trees I did and just having my dad haul it up into the driveway.

I spent about an hour today sanding the driveway and then spent about 4 hours at accident scenes as it warmed up enough for the roads to get all slushy but the warmth worked well for the sand on the driveway.
That sucks. Same storm down here firedog! I had to shovel behind my Cream Puff after the snowplow left some snow behind it and it wouldn't go over it in 4X4. Then almost backed into the ditch on the other side of the road. :rolleyes:

Forget all the "what-if'n."

Seems to me you did fine. No real damage (as in$$) an no one hurt.

I slid down my drive ( a lot steeper than your road) backwards, last year - in my 2 year old BMW X5. Went over the side, just like you, but mounted a correct sized boulder, or two. They proceeded to take out about $2k worth of under body work + the transmission. Final bill to USAA (aka me) was $8k. That said, like you, it didn't roll and no one was hurt. Its all that matters, for now. Next time, maybe we do it a little different.
When my wife and I moved to Tennessee (we've since moved back) we went in January to look for a house. We wound up in a snowstorm. It changed our minds about a few places when I could see us sliding right over the side of the driveway and down the hill. This South Texas boy found a nice place where the gravel drive didn't rise more than 6 feet over it's 250' length.

It was almost a year before I realized those "bushes" next to our road about 1/4 mile from our place were rally the tops of trees rooted in the gully 20 feet down!
SST I did hit the brakes when I realized I was off course and the ST did stop at the point where the rear drivers side tire was off the "road" (which is actually my private driveway) into the snowbank. I know for sure I stopped briefly then shifted into drive to try to get out, tires spun next thing I know I was sliding down the bank so my assumption was that the tire was on the edge and it slid sideways. There is only a dusting of snow on the driveway in the pic but the pics were taken the next morning. At the time I slid off it had snowed then changed to rain for a few hours and was just startding to change back over, the driveway was basically wet ice. When I walked up to the house I did so off to the side of the drive so I would not fall down. Anyway everyone who has had an accident knows that you keep replaying it in your mind and as I recall that is what happened. Maybe if I had not been so tired I would have been paying more attention. Also I will be glad to get my line of fire put on so I will have a little more reverse lighting as the stock reverse lighting is quite inadequate. Sorry to bore you all with my accident details but its a big deal to me because now my pristine ST has a few minor defects.:(