i see why

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i won't use toddz then. my point was is that the is swaying side to side when i turn and straighten up. sorry bout the spelling. i am using my PSP(playstation portable)
my point was is that the is swaying side to side when i turn and straighten up.

That is caused by shocks and not a sway bar. A sway bar will help weight transfer from one side of the vehicles axle to the other. Replace the shocks first.

That is caused by shocks and not a sway bar. A sway bar will help weight transfer from one side of the vehicles axle to the other. Replace the shocks first.


BINGO !!!! and then the sway bar and then the tires....and then,............:lol::lol::lol:


LOL, 5 year program. I thought it was weird at first, or they where just trying to get extra money from you..... LOL

Todd Z

Something has to be done. Contact Rich to have the troll removed. I have already informed him of the troll on board, you guys need to do your part.

Top 6 Signs You Might Be A Troll

From: Cafe ManagementBy nascardaughter | bio

1. You regularly find yourself engaged in flame wars – especially if you make the first insulting remark about a commenter, a commenter’s post, or “you [fill in the blank]s” (basically any ad hominem that is implicitly or explicitly directed at the commenter.). When commenters feel personally attacked, they often respond in kind, resulting in pointless back-and-forths that hijack the thread, contribute nothing to the discussion, and persuade no one. If you find yourself in these kinds of exchanges frequently, you might want to ask yourself if there is another way you can get your point across without provoking flame wars that are a drag on the community.

2. You call commenters, or their posts, “stupid” and the like. People reading your post don’t care about your judgment of a commenter’s intellectual faculties; they want to know what you disagree with and why. Calling someone “stupid” is guaranteed to provoke yet another boring round of name calling.

3. You make a nuisance of yourself by posting variations on a single post repeatedly in a short period of time (without engaging other people's comments, so that you are effectively posting the same thing multiple times).

4. You make a claim that contradicts an extreeeeeeeemely well-established fact that has been discussed and verified ad nauseam, with no proof of your contention, contributing useless noise and distraction to the discussion – particularly when you do this multiple times. (This is a guideline that raters would have to be especially careful not to abuse, though…)

5. You post derisive comments that are unrelated to the topic at hand, or unresponsive to anything actually stated by the individual you are replying to.

6. Most importantly, if you have a history of doing items 1 through 5 a lot… you might be a troll! (Maybe without even realizing it…) If you are a first offender, other raters may grant you the most generous interpretation of your actions. If you do this stuff consistently, and have been asked to stop, people may start rating you based upon the least generous interpretation of your actions, and conclude that you are spamming the site.

…And that’s fair, IMO. When I first started participating in online political discussions, I had a “go ahead and be offensive, we can take it” attitude, but after seeing the life slowly strangled out of online communities repeatedly, my perspective changed. But mebbe you disagree? (Civilly, of course :>)

We can rid this community of the troll, we just need to stick together.

The things I say here make sense and are the truth, contrary to your...er.. rather uninforming opinion, to put it mildly. No one asked you for your opinion about me. Rich does not take you seriously, and neither does anyone else.

Q, you honestly believe what you said above? Why?
Fer, you must have a library of pics like that on your computer!! They're great, keep it up!!:lol:

tyler, not to even keep this thread going but:

1. To answer your question, as stated, go with the shocks first. It cured mine enough to not need the EE Swaybar. If you still have the OE ones on that will give you a noticable difference.

2. Try to make more sence when you post. Alot of you posts seem like you were in a hurry or under gunfire and you needed to post or die. They are very hard to read and don't always make any sence. That is where the bashing comes from. Just some advise. I'm not in any way trying to bash you. Just giving you my thoughts.;)
Toyota's are better. :p

Okay, seriously though... the EE Sway Bar is great, but if I am not mistaken, doesn't it give the false pretense that you can push the trac further without flipping? So, really, it could actually be something that could result in an accident if your not careful.

-Mud the Flap yo yo dawg.:)

Some good advice without the Politics...

I see you said, "...Finally letting me drive by myself"...(Gives me an indication!)...

I was 16 or 17 at one time myself (many moons ago!). I tried to drive a 1970 Ford

Maverick like it was a Trans Am. Just wasn't gonna happen!

The 'Tracs are an S.U.V.-Type Vehilce. Not an S.C.C.A. (Sports Car Club of America)

type vehicle, like I thought my Maverick was!

Practice your basic driving skills, keep yourself safe, and understand that a tall 'Trac

will never handle as well as a Cobalt, Caliber, Mustang, or whatever vehicles you compete

with, nowadays, pulling out of the school parking lot! Maybe you were trying to squeal

your tires while pulling out to impress someone? Almost any vehicle can do that!

Only you know the truth, Tyler. As I said, keep safe, and get some miles under your belt

with safe driving skills,before you try the "Fancy" stuff!

Again, Tyler, Keep safe and Practice!;)

To Defend the Lessers, and Disdain the Seniors on this site; Your comment to Tyler about

the proper context and spelling on this site, not to mention someone's post about typing

like they were "Under the Gun"!;

..."even my 16 year daughter knows how to ..."

Did you not, perhaps, mean to post "...my 16 year 'OLD' daughter knows how to...".

My Mother, rest her soul, use to say, "If everyone would just sweep their own doorstep,

the whole world would be a cleaner place".


BTW, Fer, best pic response yet.
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