I think I am becoming a minimalist...

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Thomas Rogers

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Sellersville, PA
Over the holiday break when I had a lot of time, I seemed to spend quite a bit of that time fixing things that needed repairing or maintaining, throwing stuff out that has collected in my office that I don't need or use, and moving stuff around that I don't use.

Has anyone else used this new year to reduce clutter and reclaim order and space, or am I alone?


Yep, I did the same thing about 2-3 years ago. I down-sized and bought a brand new, smaller house and did not want or need to take all the clutter with me. So I bought all new furniture and only about half my clothes. My new home is decorated very comfortably in a contemporary, minimalist/Zen style.

The smaller house and the fact that I do not have very many dust collecting knick-nacks, etc.(I hate dusting), makes house cleaning a breeze.

I think this kind of clutter clearing is very invigorating, and should be done every few years. It's really good therapy to release those attachments to things that are so unnecessary any only clutter up or minds and our lives. It also makes more room for new things..:grin:

Since I am retired I have no additional time off during the holiday season. In reality, due to the large increase in parties I actually have less time. Needed repair and maintains has come to a halt.

I additionally find that some people do tend to do some clearing out of useful things. I spend all my free time collecting these free items and throwing them into my garage. Eventually, they will be taken apart for parts and materials, then relocated to a location that I will not be able to find when needed.

I use everything I have (at sometime in my life) and have found that clutter and less space are a small price to pay for never having to clean up.

Since I became a bachelor again. My whole house is a clutter.

Every time I decided to do something about it. I dont know where to start..:bwahaha:
I did the same as Richard, 10 years ago, when i got divorced.

Bought a small penthouse condo in a highrise, have been living the minimalist bachelor lifestyle since.. "practically japanese..." :)

My wife and I do a spring/fall clean out of the house. This is when the summer people come back to town and want/need things in the house for the summer. In the fall they put all thier good things in storage and put garage sale stuff in for the winter rentals. We make a bit over a grand each time and I only have things that I really use. The rule is, "if it hasn't moved or been touched in 6 months, out it goes". Life is good, Bob
Bob C,

That is a good rule of thumb. I need to adopt something simular. Might help with my clutter...:bwahaha:

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