I will be leaving the site

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Mondale was leading Reagan at this point.

Gore was leading Bush at this point.

Kerry was leading Bush at this point.

Cubs were supposed to go to the Series.

Hillary was supposed to beat Obama.

It's not over yet.
Amen, R Shek. Amen. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. She ain't even cleared her throat yet, and won't until Tuesday night, November 4, 2008 in Hawaii., when all the votes are tallied.
R Shek,

The Cubs will NEVER EVEN MAKE IT to the World Series unless they let the Siannis's bring their goat into Wrigley! They have the curse on them!

The he said this and he said that was just silly last night. McCain studdered way too much Obama also studdered some. I think he held his composure better than McCain though. It looked better for Obama because he chose to try and stick to the topics they were there to debate and consistantly said ( that is what the people, he felt, wanted to hear about.)

McCain acutally appeared to be flustered and speechless, and definately out of composure at times.

May the best guy win. And most of all I hope we all survive what ever the changes coming will bring.

aww hang in there Mr B! :)
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Bill- I found a nice place for ya- the Yurt association fees are only 11,000 a month (Mongolian Tugriks- about ten bucks), and the adjoining units are available for R Shek and Bud as well!:lol:[Broken External Image]:
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Thank you Lasik for thinking of me.

Maybe we can start a commune.

Then we can be communist.

Then Obama will enbrace us and give us some money too!


You sound like Alex Baldwin and his now ex-wofe Kim Bassinger. Back in 2000 they said that if George W Bush won the election as President over Al Gore, they said they would leave the country !! Bush won, but they did not leave the country, they just left each other. :lol::lol:

So don't make promises unless you intend to keep them...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Obama also studdered some.

Some? He was away from his teleprompter.... that's about all he did.

You can keep you're yurt. I LOVE this country and unlike idiots like Alec Baldwin, I am not pledging to move if so and so wins (but then never grace us without his presence).

I am staying RIGHT HERE and FIGHTING for my country for me, my wife and my children. Obama scares me, but just rolling over and letting the Socialist take over is not in the cards.

If Obama is elected (he won't be) he will still be My President and will get my respect as such (let's see Frank et. al. make that statement about McCain) just as Clinton did. That is the difference between us I guess. However, just because I respect him as president, does not mean that I will agree with what he's doing (I will not agree with everything McCain does as I have not agreed with a lot Bush has done). I will be sending e-mails, making phone calls, etc.

I will not be complacent. I will not be content to just let things happen. I will stand up and fight.

Go Bulldogs!
The tent and air mattress I slept in over the weekend at the Lowe's Motor Speedway infield was pretty comfy.

If Obama wins I'll try to hang in there for four years but if he gets re-elected, then America as we know it is toast and the Communists will have taken over without firing a shot.

I hear Costa Rica is nice.
bill barber said...

I will be leaving the site

bill, bill, bill...

since saying that nearly 2 full days ago, not only haven't you left, but you've posted at least 18 messages.

Why can't you be a man of your word?

:lol: Just yanking your chain. :D
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since saying that nearly 2 full days ago, not only haven't you left, but you've posted at least 18 messages. Why can't you be a man of your word?

I was just asking myself the same thing when I saw that Bill was still posting.....You know you can put a Rush on that passport? :lol::lol::lol:
I don't think you need one--just go wherever you're going, and when you get there, request asylum.

Regardless of whether they interpret "asylum" to mean that you want to escape political or religious persecution, or that you need to be institutionalized for mental reasons--You're in.


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