Well-Known Member
On my way home from work I have to make a left turn at a busy downtown intersection. Upon approaching the intersection this afternoon at about 15 mph in the left turn lane the light was already green and there was no oncoming traffic beyond the intersection which meant I was free to make the left turn. As I was about halfway through the intersection I hear somebody on my left side yelling "NOOOOOO!" As I proceeded through I looked in my rearview mirror just as some 40ish looking guy flew through the intersection behind me on a bicycle from the sidewalk on the left side of the highway and now he is yelling "JESUS CHRIST!" as if I had somehow done something wrong. First of all, bicycles are subject to the same traffic laws as any other wheeled vehicle meaning he should have been in the same right hand lane as any other vehicle passing straight through that intersection, not traveling 20 mph on the left hand sidewalk. Had he hit me he would have probably been severely injured considering his speed along with the fact that he was wearing a baseball cap instead of a helmet and it would have been his fault. There is no way I could have seen him approaching the intersection at that speed on the opposite sidewalk coming from behind me, not to mention the fact that there was also opposing traffic that had just passed through the intersection and was blocking my view of the left hand sidewalk. What a doofus. :sad: