I'm bored!...So...Pics Added

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WXMotorSports DecalsPartsAccs

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Wife, daughter and I are in Wendover, NV for the Bonneville Salt Flat Racing...LOL

Ford Racing has a Fusion. 770 HP Hydrogen Powered car. They also are a major sponsor for the Ohio State University Streamliner hydro car.

One of our friends is running in the EGT class and will try to come close to the record for that class at 190 MPH. The only challenge will be the record holder is also entered and will probably do 220 MPH this year...LOL. Apparently, last year they broke the record but couldn't get the car into 5th gear when they were doing 190 in 4th.

I'll have pics up in a couple days. Few Sport Tracs are in the pits so will post pics of them covered with salt...LOL

Right next to our pits is a Yamaha R1 Bike 600 HP with Nitros. They were tuning it today and the ground was vibrating!

Freightliner has their truck entered as well.

Should be a fun time.
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are you sure that is enough HP !!! :lol: what no toyota's there :lol:

sounds like you and family are going to have a great time , enjoy and post some pics
I've haven't had the time to check all the cars out. There are 650 of them...LOL

There is a Ford Ranger pitted next to us though. Also, saw a SVT Lightning.

The Freightliner truck only 6000HP. It did 230 today on it's first run.

Ever heard of Boyd Coddington?

We were in Tech line for 4 hours. He unloads his car, bumps us out of the tech line. I think I'll go over and tell him Rick Foose cars are much better...LOL j/k
I've heard people saying Boyd's a jerk in person. Oh and SST...

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Arriving at the flats. My daughter, wife and Crew Chief Jason.

95 degrees out but with the salt add another 20 degrees. The salt reflects the heat right back up at you.

1st time I used the Port Potty get out felt like air conditioning...LOL

And, the stuff gets on everything. It took an hour to get the 1st coat off when we got back into town. It also crystallizes as it dries and running your hand over will cut your hand. I know I cut my fingers...LOL

Do you guys remember the movie "Independence Day" when they were driving to the air base? It looks just like that at the end of the day as your not allowed to stay on the salt after 8PM. Then everyone has to get in a single file line to cross the water to the two lane road.

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Two miles of cars lined up, doesn't include any of the race cars which is another 4 miles long of cars in their pits.

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Our pit finally setup.

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Pulling off the road race wheels/tires put on the skinnies.

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I'll post more pics later. Our tow rig, the black F-250 blew it's right front tire at 85 MPH last night on the way back to the hotel. No one hurt but Jason and driver Will didn't get back to the hotel until 1am in the morning. No tires stores open on Sunday where we are at. So, off to SLC airport to pickup a rental truck.

Oh, and we finally got a good night sleep. All the guys were up for two days with about 2 hours sleep.
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The spare is too small to run and he didn't have a full size tire. He's running 35's. However, the tires were fairly new. Les Schwab will have to replace the tire on Monday at no charge.
I've never been there, but my wife used to live in "Bendover"--did her student teaching there. Based on what she's said about it, you have my sympathy for having to get anywhere near the place.... :lol:
We are back home now. We left Bonneville about 10PM last night after having dinner in Wendover, NV. Drove through the night and stopped at a rest area for two hours to sleep.

Hwy 93 there was a Ford truck that flipped off the hwy and they closed it for almost an hour. It had grey cladding so I wasn't positive it was a Trac. I think the driver either tried avoiding a deer or another driver.

You never get used to the salt or the heat. Monday we temp gunned the salt. 100 in the umbrella shade. 115 on the salt itself. Sunglasses, big floppy hat, sunscreen and lots of water were my friends...LOL

I'm loading pics now to the server and will have up later today.
More Pics here...

We are back home. He ran today and the last we heard he did 158 MPH and was expecting to hit 180 MPH + in his following runs today. I'll update once I hear from him on Wednesday.


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