In Support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month !!!!

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Jerry Gerner 2

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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Pittsburgh, Pa
Fake(+)(+) Perfect (o)(o) Perky (*)(*) Cold (^)(^) Big ( o )( o ) or small (.)(.) even Grandma's \./\./ Save them all. Repost for Breast Cancer Awareness !

Intended as a joke given to me by a lady doctor friend of mine in a text, figured I'd share it. Sorry if I offend anyone, not meant for that.



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This is a very touchy subject for me.

Theresa, my wife, is very active with the American Cancer Society. She is part of the entertainment committie for one relay event and a co-captain for a team in another event. The treams she has been part of, have grossed over $10,000 donated to the ACS.

Why the hell does Breast Cancer get its own month, yet all other cancer gets nothing? I know breast cancer is aweful. I mourn for anyone gets this disease, but is colon cancer or stomach cancer any less sad? How about cancers like liver cancer, that are terminal, nobody seems to care about?

What is so special about breast cancer? So you cut the cans off and continue about your life. Removing a stomach or liver will result in death.

What gives?

"What is so special about breast cancer? So you cut the cans off and continue about your life."

very cold :sad:

maybe because breast cancer is the most common type of non-skin cancer for women.

519,000 breast cancer deaths in 2004.

i am not down playing any other cancer, any cancer is horrible.

if your wife came down with breast cancer would you be making ass like statements like this.

i find your remarks very disturbing :angry:

thats "What gives?"

i am not done yet...........

tom's post a few days ago,

" there are a few members here that do their dardest to turn this into a hateful website"

with ass like statements you just made you should look in the mirror. oh no, you do good and all that disagree are evil. remember, you are so helpful to others.

my son is getting up at 02:45 am to walk tomorrow at jones beach in support of his best friends mom that as you said had her "cut the cans off". also my wifes high school friend had her "cut the cans off".

btw, men get it too.

i hope you don't, but if you do maybe they can cut one off and shove it in your mouth.

you are truly an ass :cheeky:

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maybe because breast cancer is the most common type of non-skin cancer for women.

According to the ACS, the number one killer cancer for wormen is lung cancer.

if your wife came down with breast cancer would you be making ass like statements like this.

Actually it was her statement that I made. She is the one that said "cut them off and get on with your life." She is more disturbed about all the "Breast Cancer Awareness" crap than I am. Cancer is aweful. All cancer is. What about testicular or prostate cancer. Doesn't that deserve its ouw month, specil colored ribbon and special events for only that cancer?

my son is getting up at 02:45 am to walk tomorrow at jones beach in support of his best friends mom that as you said had her "cut the cans off". also my wifes high school friend had her "cut the cans off".

btw, men get it too.

i hope you don't, but if you do maybe they can cut one off and shove it in your mouth.

Wow, how awesome. My wife is pregnant and has already earned over $1,000 in donations to be given to the ACS. She held a Pampered Chef party with 20% of the sales go to the ACS, she got $200.00 for that party. She sells entertainment books and so far has sold 20 of them at $15.00 of the $30.00 cost going to the ACS. Already held 2 CiCi's Pizza fund raisers, along with donations from local businesses, family dentist, etc.

It is awesome that your family is going to get out there and walk for breast cancer. My wife is walking and working towards a cure for ALL CANCER. This also include BREAST CANCER.

Who is the ass?

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"maybe because breast cancer is the most common type of non-skin cancer for women."
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519,000 breast cancer deaths in 2004.

According to CDC, the website you posted, the actual number is...

In 2006 (the most recent year numbers are available)

191,410 women were diagnosed with breast cancer.*

40,820 women died from breast cancer.*

On the same website, the following is written...

More people die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer. This is true for both men and women. In 2006 (the most recent year for which statistics are currently available), lung cancer accounted for more deaths than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer combined. In that year,

106,374 men and 90,080 women were diagnosed with lung cancer.*

89,243 men and 69,356 women died from lung cancer.*

Point being is that why does breast cancer gets own month, yet lung cancer, prostate cancer, or just cancer in general get nothing.

This is why it is a touchy subject for me.

Just the other day Tom saying how a few folks and their thoughtless posts can't keep this from being a great site.

He is right... self-prophetic.

Tom, breast cancer awareness is long overdue. The attitude of "cut it off and get on with your life" is such a men's attitude, and part of the reason that breast cancer research is decades behind where it probably should be. You just don't really seem to get the issue. Good for you for supporting it, but like abortion, etc, us men can never really understand and appreciate the issue the way a woman does.

The attitude of "cut it off and get on with your life" is such a men's attitude, and part of the reason that breast cancer research is decades behind where it probably should be.

My wife is not a man and that was her comment as I mentioned above.

Cancer, in any and all forms is aweful. Doesn't mean it is any worse than stomach cancer (killed my grandfather), colon cancer (killed my Mother-in-law when it migrated to the liver to become liver cancer, and colon cancer almost killed my uncle), skin cancer (my Father had it), prostate cancer (almost killed a work mate), and many of the other cancers that inflict pain, destroy families, and kill thousands every year.

Since when did the ACS ignore breast cancer? Since when do we place breast cancer over any and all other cancers out there?

Are those that suffer from colon cancer worth less than those that suffer from breast cancer? Does breast cancer really deserve its own month, or should all cancer gets it own month? If any of our wives suffered from stomach cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, anal cancer (I know someone that is suffering from that and she no longer has an anus and must live with a bag for the rest of her life), or even brain cancer, would we be happy that breast cancer gets "pink the rink" events, celibrities wearing pink ribbons, and yogurt companies having pink labels?

Personally, I find it offensive. Colon cancer that turned into liver cancer killed my Mother-in-law. She could not be operated on. There was no removing the liver to save her life. It was a death sentence from the word go.

The money raised at the ACS Relay for Life events supports ALL cancer research, INCLUDING breast cancer.

With that, we ignore all forms of cancer for the sake of "saving the TaTa's".

I am sorry, I think it is BS.

Cancer in all forms, suck!

I support ALL forms of cancer research and refuse to buy into breast cancer awareness month bull crap. Cancer research helps ALL forms of cancer.

It isn't about me being anti-cancer or cold about breast cancer, it is me being a little more practical instead of blindly following whatever is cool at the time.

If it makes me a bad person, than so be it. I will continue to help Theresa raise money for the ACS. I will continue to speak out against those that support breast cancer while they ignore other cancers or make it look like the other cancers are not as important.

Some of you guys need to read, or reread, what Tom has written. As a cancer survivor myself, I completely understand what he is saying.
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Caymen said:
With that, we ignore all forms of cancer for the sake of "saving the TaTa's".

And that is simply not true. Don't equate a good, public PR campaign of the past few years with ignoring other forms of cancer.

Clearly your statement above is wrong.

We don't "ignore all forms of cancer" all for the "sake of saving the TaTas". That's cleearly not the case.

There are two types of people in this world. Those that have an abundance attitude, and those that have a scarcity attitude. Those that see things as scarce assume there is only enough energy, good will, good luck, good fortune and attention for things, and that if one area gets more it means another gets less.

Then, there are those that adhere to the abundance principle, in that there is enough to go around, and that when needed, more is created.

The PR of late for breast cancer doesn't take away from other cancer research efforts. It would be naive and simplistic to think otherwise.


gary s., there was nothing "ass" at all about Tom's comments and questions. They're very legitimate. And I find your comments regarding Caymen on this subject very disturbing.

Tom, the base of the reason breast cancer gets all the attention can be summarized in two words--political correctness. Breast cancer is very politically correct to be seen as being opposed to. It's trendy. Supporting women, the so-called "oppressed" gender, is the politically correct thing to do. And everyone is jumping on that bandwagon. Even though men are far more likely to die of prostate cancer than women are of dying of breast cancer.

I HIGHLY recommend reading the book "The Myth of Male Power", by Dr. Warren Farrell--the only male to have ever served on the board of the National Organization of Women. Very eye-opening regarding how gender relations have gotten to where they are today. In fact, all of his writing is excellent in that regard.

But--and here's the rub--it's not all bad for other cancers. Yes, breast cancer is hogging the limelight. But research, programs, etc., for other cancers are definitely riding breast cancer's coattails. For the most part, those leading programs fighting other cancers, while envious of breast cancer's status, would rather have breast cancer keeping cancer in general in the public discussion, than to not have any attention at all.

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Les, Bill V,

I've read and re-read what Tom said. His issues, or those relayed from his wife seem to imply that breast cancer is getting more attention, at the sake of other forms of cancer research.

I simply do not believe that. It's a naive notion. Likewise, there are no facts presented to support that.

There is enough research monies and donations to go around. If breast cancer supporters are guilty of anything, it is of having better PR. Don't hate them because they are arguably better at raising money.

Life is too short for envy, subscribing to the scarcity principle, and constantly assuming the victim mentality. Breast Cancer research isn't TAKING from anyone. Why the ill-will? That's a serious question.

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I simply do not believe that. It's a naive notion. Likewise, there are no facts presented to support that.

Don't think it's a naive notion and you're not presenting any facts to dispute it either. I will agree, their PR is the better than the others. Bill V gets it...
Don't hate them because they are arguably better at raising money.

No one is hating them because they are arguably better raising money. They're just pointing out that:

a) Based on the number of people who contract the diseases, the number of people who die of the diseases, and the physical effects on those who survive the diseases, there are several other cancers which have greater need for financial resources than breast cancer.

b) The reasons breast cancer gets all the attention, and therefore a disproportionally greater amount of funding, than other cancers, have less to do with them being better at raising money, and more to do with the facts that the disease primarily affects females and is therefore a more politically correct cause than the others, and that the disease primarily affects a body part that is significantly popular with males. (Let's face it--if this disease affected womens' toenails, but had the same mortality and debilitating affect as breast cancer, it wouldn't get either the attention or the funding.)
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Bill V,

You restated the points made as:

a) Based on the number of people who contract the diseases, the number of people who die of the diseases, and the physical effects on those who survive the diseases, there are several other cancers which have greater need for financial resources than breast cancer.

Okay. Why the need to point that out? Are we assuming or do we actually have evidence that those other, supposedly more "needy" forms of cancer research are in fact getting less resources? Is that a fact?

The other point was:

(b) The reasons breast cancer gets all the attention, and therefore a disproportionally greater amount of funding, than other cancers, have less to do with them being better at raising money, and more to do with the facts that the disease primarily affects females and is therefore a more politically correct cause than the others, and that the disease primarily affects a body part that is significantly popular with males. (Let's face it--if this disease affected womens' toenails, but had the same mortality and debilitating affect as breast cancer, it wouldn't get either the attention or the funding.)

Where is the evidence that breast cance gets some disproportionally greater amount of funding? I'd like to see that.

Again, these comments are all based on some not so veiled implication that somehow the attention and resources that breast cancer gets is not as deserving as other forms of cancer AND that the attention and resources take away from those other forms of cancer research.

I simply DO NOT believe that....because I haven't been shown any evidence of that, and because I don't subscribe to the scarcity principle (in general). It is not in my makeup to believe that for one thing to do well it means something else must do poorly. If other forms of cancer are falling behind in resource, it is due to their issues and not due to what is going on with breast cancer research and the attention it gets.


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