The attitude of "cut it off and get on with your life" is such a men's attitude, and part of the reason that breast cancer research is decades behind where it probably should be.
My wife is not a man and that was her comment as I mentioned above.
Cancer, in any and all forms is aweful. Doesn't mean it is any worse than stomach cancer (killed my grandfather), colon cancer (killed my Mother-in-law when it migrated to the liver to become liver cancer, and colon cancer almost killed my uncle), skin cancer (my Father had it), prostate cancer (almost killed a work mate), and many of the other cancers that inflict pain, destroy families, and kill thousands every year.
Since when did the ACS ignore breast cancer? Since when do we place breast cancer over any and all other cancers out there?
Are those that suffer from colon cancer worth less than those that suffer from breast cancer? Does breast cancer really deserve its own month, or should all cancer gets it own month? If any of our wives suffered from stomach cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, anal cancer (I know someone that is suffering from that and she no longer has an anus and must live with a bag for the rest of her life), or even brain cancer, would we be happy that breast cancer gets "pink the rink" events, celibrities wearing pink ribbons, and yogurt companies having pink labels?
Personally, I find it offensive. Colon cancer that turned into liver cancer killed my Mother-in-law. She could not be operated on. There was no removing the liver to save her life. It was a death sentence from the word go.
The money raised at the ACS Relay for Life events supports ALL cancer research, INCLUDING breast cancer.
With that, we ignore all forms of cancer for the sake of "saving the TaTa's".
I am sorry, I think it is BS.
Cancer in all forms, suck!
I support ALL forms of cancer research and refuse to buy into breast cancer awareness month bull crap. Cancer research helps ALL forms of cancer.
It isn't about me being anti-cancer or cold about breast cancer, it is me being a little more practical instead of blindly following whatever is cool at the time.
If it makes me a bad person, than so be it. I will continue to help Theresa raise money for the ACS. I will continue to speak out against those that support breast cancer while they ignore other cancers or make it look like the other cancers are not as important.