Interested in seeing the $700 Billion bailout package

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The Democrats didn't have the spine to pass this bill, even though they could've with their numbers alone. Just goes to show you that they're worried more about their own a$$es than truly voting with their convictions. In this case, I guess they're actually listening to the majority of the folks who are against this bailout; and this has Congressmen and Senators on both sides of the aisle worried about the repercussions of voting for this come Election Day.

But hey, on the bright side, they actually did accomplish something yesterday. The House approved a resolution by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) -- who voted against the bailout bill -- that commemorates the New Deal.

The vote was unanimous. :blink:

September 29, 2008

Dept. of weird timing

The House failed to pass a bill this afteroon that backers said was necessary to prevent the next Great Depression.

But it did get something done: It approved a resolution by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) -- who voted against the bailout bill -- that commemorates the New Deal.

The vote was unanimous.

The Crypt leaves the punchlines to y'all.

Lee's own remarks on the resolution are after the jump.

» Continue reading Dept. of weird timing

“This legislation serves to promote recognition and appreciation for the New Deal and its legacy on our nation,” said Congresswoman Lee. “These programs created jobs that lifted individuals out of poverty and left a lasting impact on our infrastructure, public works, and the arts.

“California’s 9th District is home to many longstanding New Deal projects including the Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland, CA, the trails, roads, and many trees throughout Tilden Regional Park in Berkeley, CA, and the Port of Oakland that serves as a gateway to commerce and tourism on the West Coast.

“As America faces a growing economic crisis, I am pleased Congress took this opportunity honor The New Deal programs, which demonstrated the ability of the Federal Government to act as a positive and instrumental force for change in addressing social and economic crises for the benefit of all people in the United States.

“My legislation also encourages individuals across the country to observe National New Deal Week, and in doing so, celebrate the inventiveness, resourcefulness, and creativity of the administrators and workers of the many New Deal programs.”

By Ryan Grim 05:34 PM
This deal is VERY BAD. WTF is up with giving money to children's wooden arrow makers? What the hell do cow and sheep studies have to do with a bail out?

3-4 pages become over 400 and the people want to know WTF is up.

I am in the process of writing my rep. He's a Blue Dog so I have hope, though I need to see how he voted last time.

Really sux that both candidates voted for this POS legislation. This MAY have been the one thing that would have pushed me to Obamalamadingdong..... Nah. But I would have given him SOME respect.
This is such a load of crap. All this has been is an issue that's been stirred up into a "crisis" by both the media and the politicians in Washington. For a piece of legislation that was supposed to be a "bailout" of Wall Street, only the first section , Division A, "EMERGENCY ECONOMIC STABILIZATION" deals with this "crisis". Check out the titles of the other sections:



Now, using the link below, peruse through the table of contents for each division of this bill, and you'll see that it's nothing but a pork-laden, vote-buying piece of dog squeeze. Call your elected reps in the House and tell them to not vote for this $h!t!:angry:
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Cut the Congressional budget and send them home. Give the Congressional budget to the taxpayers.

I am so sick of bad government.

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