$400???!!! Swear to gawd, all you
have to do is oil and filter, air filter, fuel filter, tranny flush, and rotate the tires. Everything else the manual calls for they do in PA anyway at state inspection time. The dealer could be padding it with extra stuff though.
Oil and filter, $15, do it myself.
Air filter, $10 maybe, do it myself.
Fuel filter, about $35 installed at the dealer, it's a PITA so I'll pay them to do it when I get....
Tranny flush, $89 w/coupon at the dealer.
Rotate tires, I can do it myself but my bud's tire shop will do it for $4, $10 if I want them balanced. (I send him a lot of business, so I get stuff done for cheap.
Transfer case (optional), $13 for two quarts of Mobil 1 ATF plus $10 for a suction gun that I'll have for life. Less if you get cheap normal Mercon ATF.
Total $172, dealer gets $124 plus tax.
So roll into the dealer and tell 'em you want a transmission flush and a fuel filter and that's all. Change the oil and air filter before you go. They're trained to look for stuff to talk you into spending more money. We're having a go-round right now about my skidplate.