Is TIVO all that good?

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michael b

Active Member
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
North Central , ks
I can get a tivo 40hr unit for 49.99 (new) or 29.99 (refurbished) if I prepay for 1 years worth of programming (155.40)

I know it wont record my HD stuff but it still looks pretty cool--Any input?
Yes its that good. I have a dvr through comcast and it records HD and its only 10 bucks a month with no initial fees. And I would pay a lot more then that for it.
TiVo, or just DVR technology in general is well worth it, even if you don't watch a lot of television. It really is 'TV on your terms', you record what you want and watch it whenever you want.
I love our tivo.. preset a whole seseon of recording, I have our whole cd collection converted to mp3 (400+ cd) and access it through the tvio on my wireless network. With some software i can transfer any recording to my computer and make a dvd if needed + more, I found some software that lets you check your email via the tivo too! If you do get it let me know, so i can refer you!

If anyone is interested in Dish also I Have a referral code for that too!. Dish has a HDTV dual tuner dvr option now also model 942 that lets you record in HD

btw: i would choose a 80 hour unit if you have a choice

you could also do this with a windows XP media center pc

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Love my Tivo system, don't know how I watched TV before I got it. I have season passes set up for all my favorite shows and never have to worry about being home or I'll miss them anymore.
TiVo is the best thing since sliced bread. I love being able to skip the commericals and never have to worry about missing Family Guy any more.
I have two of the Directv with Tivo units. They are similar to the stand alone Tivos except they have dual tuners so you can record 2 programs at once. They don't have the "Tivotogo" features or the networking abilities (unless you hack them).

However, they only cost $4.99/month from Directv.
Only if you have a HD tivo.

Forgot to say that mine were all DirectTv receivers also, same as Darin. Two tuner feature is the way to go. We see more trouble with the stand alone units.

I was lucky to get all the units under the pay once lifetime fee.
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Personally, if you can get a DVR from either your satellite or cable company do it. They usually cost $10.00/month and if it breaks, they give you a new one.

One year of TIVO service for $155.40, IMO, too high. If the unit fails, unless there is a warranty, you are screwed.

So, you pay $50.00 for a new TIVO, plus $155.40 for the service, you pay $205.40 for the first year compared to 120.00/year for a DVR from your Cable or Satellite service.

For me, it just isn't worth spending the extra money for TIVO when a DVR will do the same thing for alot less.

I have an HD DVR from Adelphia I dont know how I lived with out it. Dual tuner, 160gb hard drive man you can record hours and hours on it. Mine is a Scientific Atlanta 8300HD which is suppose to be the best box out there.

[Broken External Image]::D
I have not read all the posts here but I will say I had my doubts also. Let me tell you, Tivo rocks, dont know how I lived without it. I have the Toshiba tivo unit with the dvd player (not recorder).

Now Tivo needs to make one with dual tuners, so you can watch one shoe and record another.
I have the exploer 8300hd too. you can record two shows at once, if u are recording only one show, you can watch whatever u want......but if u are recording two shows at once, you have to watch one of the shows..........or of course not watch at all.
Our DVR records two channels at once. You can watch one of the channels you are recording, or you can watch something already recorded.

TiVo is the greatest thing to happen to TV since color. :)

If you plan on upgrading to HD soon, wait for the HDTV version though. I really don't know how I lived without tivo for so long. hehe