Is TIVO all that good?

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TiVo is just now getting where ReplayTV has been for years.

Replay users have been sending shows back and fourth for years, I heard last year TiVo was just going to start doing that function, but they were running into a lot of flack from the Hollywood folks...not sure if they did it.

If you forget to record a show, has a huge data base of Replay owners, you just get on there and request a show and someone will send it to your unit...or you can go to and see everything on your unit, delete shows, tell it to record something, anything you can do as if you are in front of your unit.

Replay has always been light years ahead of TiVo, plus DirectTV just dropped TiVo, so they will be scrambling to sell units and make future upgrades, and there is no telling how that is going to turn out.

for the people who record 2 shows at once:

do you have direct tv or some other satelite tv?

I have digital cable from time warner and the toshiba sd-h400 and i cant record 2 shows at one.

i can watch a show that is recorded on teh tivo and record a show on tv. but i can not watch a show on tv and record a different show.

TiVo is awesome. I bought the 80 hour version 2.5 years ago and went with the lifetime membership. I'm glad I went with the largest hard drive available at the time and the lifetime membership. It breaks even after about 2 years in relation to the monthly membership. Anyway, any DVR is worth having. It's worth it just to be able to fast forward through commercials.:cool:
The Directv with Tivo unit has 2 tuners. The hard drive is pretty easy to change out. I replaced the tiny 40gb drives in both of my tuners with 160gb drives for more storage space.

You can record 2 shows at once while watching a third pre-recorded show.
My cable signal from Time warner is scrambled and needs to have a time warner supplied box to descramble it. My tivo is just recording what is coming out of the cable box, which the tivo box changes chanels on via a infared cable.
On many of the tivo units, you can upgrade the hard drive for additional capacity. I put another 120gb drive in my DirecTiVo to more than double the capacity. I've since given it to my grandparents (to get them away from the crappy VHS tape) and they love it. My grandmother insists on recording her soap operas, if she's home or not. She'd been using the same tape for 3 or 4 years (vhs) and the thing was so worn out that it barely played anymore. Now she's getting the perfect quality of a digital copy. it's also a lot more convenient for them to just push a button when they see something they want to watch/record instead of having to set that stupid vcr (which I usually ended up doing anyway, because after 20 years, they still hadn't learned). They got the hang of the tivo in a couple weeks. They're VERY easy to use.

I'm fairly sure they don't understand how it works, I've tried explaining it, but it's just beyond their grasp. However, I am 100% certain that they wouldn't want to go back to a VCR now.
I bought a TIVO not too long ago and added a 250GB h/d too it and I love the thing to death since I've bought my 42" plasma and can now record HD through my digital cable company and HD box and I have the unit hooked up to my DVD-R recorder which is awesome for burning off seasons and I don't even have to buy them when they come out 8 months after the season ended which is always a plus.
Yes they have a dvr. My bill is already $152 a month I dont need it any higher.
Try this site for all the forum info you want to read on Tivo units (both Stand Alone and Directv Tivo's).
Call Tivo. You can get it for$6.95 a month. Just tell them you want to drop their service (Tell them you are getting a better offer from your cable system). They will come back and offer you a monthly for half price. P.S. you have to have the monthly plan for this too work. Oh, that lifetime plan is only for the lifetime of your unit. If it breaks, so does that plan.

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