It just makes me sick...

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Gavin Allan

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Jefferson City, MO
I removed my "Explorer" emblem on the tailgate of my '03 Adrenaline on purpose while at the self-service carwash yesterday. Unfortunately one of the letters took a big spot of paint off with it.

I am so PO'd that my beautiful Trac is screwed up in front and now in back and both times were my fault. If I turn it in on insurance, I'm sure I'll pay for it for the rest of my life.

It just makes me sick

I work for auto insurance, just say someone stole the emblems off your truck. It's comprehensive -> vandalism, non fault and shouldnt be held against your policy
Sorry about the bad luck. I closed the tailgate/liftgate on the Nomad in the wrong order a long time ago and knocked a big chunk of paint off of the top of the tailgate. I know, it does make you sick! :(
Aaron says:
I work for auto insurance, just say someone stole the emblems off your truck. It's comprehensive -> vandalism, non fault and shouldnt be held against your policy

And, if you worked for a department store would you leave the rear stock room door open for your friends that can't afford a TV but really want one?

What you are describing, Aaron, is "insurance fraud", and we all pay for it, especially those employed in the insurance industry.

WTF! (not directed at you Aaron), but am I the single voice on this board rallying against people behaving badly? I feel so, oh, I dunno, some goody-two-shoes. Am I just old school or something? Putting my nose where it doesn't belong? TELL me folks, I CAN TAKE IT!



I agree.


You can always get another badge. Even if you don't like them, what's worse - a badge or missing paint? (Honestly - it's your call!) :)
No, you're not the only one who's bugged by some of these issues. You just are a little quicker on the keyboard and have more willingness to be the lightning rod. I agree with you regarding Aaron's' statement. I hope he doesn't work for my insurance company.

I agree. It's time that we all become men and admit to our own stupid, careless mistakes.

My father and many other good men have given me this good advice throughout the

years, and if I had listened to it sooner, I would be much better off than I am now.

I've been there, done that myself, so I am not passing judgement, just sharing good


P.S., ...TJR, If I alienate anyone with this agreement, will you still be my friend!?!
TracNBlack, the good stand alone...You and me bud, you and me, and Paul, and Adam...Hey we are NOT alone! Can we all sing a chorus of Rodney Carrington's "It's the Little Things that Pi$$ Me Off" now! ;)
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Bottle of touch-up paint:


Sand paper to feather the edges, so the paint will stick:


Replacement emblem:

$ (???)...

Being able to go to bed with a clear conscience:

We are quickly becoming a society where we think we should not have to be responsible for our own stupid actions.

C'mon fella, you screwed up. take it to the painter, AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE!

David <><
Give the guy a break David. He never said he wasn't going to take responsibility. He's just pissed about a stupid mistake like we all are when we do something stupid...which we ALL do.
Even IF you were to claim this (and I agree with those who say you sholdn't)--Wouldn't the cost of the repair be lower than most insurance deductibles?
Yeah, it was my own stupidity for waterjetting the emblem and the paint off (I wanted the emblem off, but didn't plan on the paint coming off too!). It was my own stupidity for running into a pole at the parking garage too.

Yeah, I'll probably go get both of them fixed (I've tried auto collision repair myself and it ain't pretty). I'n not interested in ripping off my insurance company either.

I just thought I'd like to share my misery and give you all a chance to beat on me (as I beat on myself too).
Bravo TJR- a reminder to all to stand up and be honest. When GEICO totaled my flooded ST I got paid for the brush guard, tail light covers, tonneau and bed extender. I was tempted to sell 'em off before they towed it with the 3000 other flooded vehicles, but I visualized my 3 year old son watching and asking what I was doing.....
I'm suprised that the paint came off in the first place. I removed mine (with fishing line) a long time ago without any problems.
Sue Ford for pain and suffering!

It's their fault the paint does not hold up to water at at unusual amount of pressure, their engineers should think about it when they put the specs in place...

And jsut in case:

I'm kidding! before I get flamed... :p
I stand with the guys who wish to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Bravo to TJR for making a stand, and making me make one as well. Can't just talk about it here, though, we've got to live it every day. You too, lasik1. Great decision.