It's getting bad.

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Josh Langel

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2002
Reaction score
Ft. Pierce, FL
Sad to see what is unfolding in New Orleans.

I sure hope it doesn't exceed a 1,000 dead. I hope it doesn't even touch that.

This IS America's tsunami disaster. Terrible indeed.

No matter how prepared we say we are/were. We are not. We never were. All I have to say is if another hurricane strikes us like the one in New Orleans, we're in trouble.

Sure hope not.
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Some what off topic...

In Iraq there were thousands of people on a bridge heading over to a shrine. Someone yelled there was a suicide bomber. Panic ensued. Broke a rail on the bridge, people fell and jumped into the Tigris river to prevent being trampled. Most of those people drowned. When it finally settled down there were, (At last count) 700 dead. Either by being trampled to death or fished out of the river. There is countless missing simple as they are not accounted for just yet.

So here we are in America and suffer HUGE DEVASTATION over hundreds of miles over a substantial amount of time. Our dead count is close to the count from Iraq that were on a single bridge.

Kind of hard to believe that the death count is going to end up fairly close when you consider the square mile area difference and the over-all time difference.

Personally, I feel they will find maybe hundreds more in the attics of homes once they can get to the homes. Many people stuck around think it will not be as bad as they were being told. Moved to the second floor as the water rose. Moved to the attic as the water rose more. From there, most were trapped. Had no way out and simply drowned.

It is a shame. Wish we could have evacuated the entire area. But.... people make choices. Sometimes we pay for those choices. Many paid with their life.
I live in pasadena, tx, southeast of houston. 60miles from the coast, Houston shipchannell 4miles north of me. This storm has got me thinking. Just like New Orleans this is drained land that has also been sinking.

I would like to move to higher ground...This could have been me...

My prayers go out to those that got hit....
And I'm hearing that resources are being diverted to stop & prevent looting. Stealing from disaster victims is about as low as you can get.

Looters should be shot on sight, IMO.
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I work in the manufactured housing and RV business..... FEMA is asking for an unbelieveable number of homes and RVs from us, very very hard to believe and comprehend. God Bless America.

Trac N Tennessee
Looters should be shot on sight, IMO.

Can't blame people desperate for food and water but the news is showing people breaking into appliance stores and pawn shops. These people should be shot. Without sounding racists, the blacks are doing nothing to help their cause. The sad thing is, like the Watts riots a few years ago, many of these shop owners are good hard working blacks and these people that are so self righteous are only robbing from their own people. It's a shame.
I agree. If you need food and essentials then have at it. Preferably in a fair and safe manner.

Steeling TV's and electronics etc etc. Now that is WAY wrong. No where to put the looters. They are standing there doing interviews on TV admitting to what they are steeling. Those people need to go away for a long time...
I know this isn't the same scale as the Tsunami but where are the foreign donaters to our disaster after thousands and thousands of Americans donated to the Tsunami? It might still come - but I doubt you will see any foreign aid coming over here to help out the people of New Orleans. :(
Dave: your topic has already been discussed in another thread. We are the US. We can stand alone against the world, right?
Dave you must have read my mind yesterday i had said the exact same thing. It sucks out loud but what can we do about it? I did hear they called the Marshall law out. That means anyone caught lootting will be shot on site no questions asked!!! :blink:
What I love best is when the News cameras get the looters on tape. *where it is then public knowledge* and the cops go after the clean up to view and id the folks on the tapes "caught red handed" Can't wait for that news footage.

The looters broke into a Wal-Mart today and stole all the firearms. It is getting really bad as last night a group of guys shot up a police precinct in New Orleans with AK-47s.

The police are so overwhelmed with the situation as no one expected the amount of inhumanity that is being shown by such a large group of people. It is only going to get worse as this goes on and people get more and more frustrated. Lawlessness is going to take over and the police were ordered today to ignore the survivors that are loking for help and try to regain control of the city.

I can definitely see a point in the very near future where the looters set up teams of shooters to watch the police as another group loots a store. If the police move in to try and stop the looters then the other group will take the police out. Very scary situation for the police.
And we thought the Iraqi's were bad. Now our National Guard troops are going to have to be careful not to get shot by Americans (if you want to call them that).
For those wondering where the foreign donations/assistance are, the president was on TV this morning, and said that the US could take care of itself, and refused to accept any offers of foreign contributions. So don't have hard feelings to other countries, when our leaders are turning them away like this.

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