Jeff C.- Amps...

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Not mounted to anything. The way it sits, the front of the amp fits just between the two legs of the bench seat, but the mounting brackets on the amp stop it from sliding forward. It's kinda like it was made to fit there. I have plans to make a small mount, but with school, work, and a g/f I don't get much free time for the ST...I was actually planning to wash her this morning but it looks like rain...:(
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm on 11 hour work days, and time with a g/f tends to not leave much ST time. Thanks! I just got a new 450W amp. The 200 is moving to the front speakers.
I used sheet metal screws and screwed my amps to the rubber floor, Yes they don't tighten but it holds through the way i drive perfectly...

Todd Z
You could cut a peice of wood to fit in there and hold in place with the seat legs like Jeff is talking about then mount the amps to the wood.
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I cut down a brushed aluminum panel from my old PC to mount my amp(s) to in the storage compartment. I removed the stock sub and used the existing bolts/mounting holes to attach the panel. There was already some sound dampening material on the backside. So far it seems to help minimize vibration from everyday driving.