Jethro Done Killed Hisself a Fed

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If you didn't have a chance without the gun, as you said, what really makes you think you'd have one with a gun?

You can't intimidate with it, and you can't kill everyone...and your 9mm sidearm isn't going to do as much damage as the stereotypical KY shotgun.

The man was conducting door to door interviews--if the man who opened the door subdued/shot mr Fed, then they were too close for the Fed, ignorant of the danger, to draw his gun...which means the gun would do nothing for him.

The article doesn't say that he was shot. If he wasn't, then that is really pathetic and no amount of personal firepower could have saved him, as he let himself be hanged. Lacking the guts to fight for your life is also lacking the guts to pull a trigger to take someone's. If he was shot, then there's no way a sidearm could have given him a chance.

Since you blatantly said that a gun gives you a chance when elsewise you'd have none, and used the whole "No one is better than a bullet" cliched argument, you do at some level believe that a firearm is a protection blanket, which is dangerous to you, but thankfully (and sadly as the case may be) not to anyone else.

The very title of this thread, along with the "Jethro" and "Them conservitives are dangerous people." connotations seem to infer that the perpetrator(s) of this crime are gov't-hating dumb, country rednecks, and that they're all dangerous lunatics like Tim McVeigh.

Given the location of this crime (right smack in the heart of Kentucky coal mine country), it's possible that the perp(s) were hard-working, Democrat-voting, card-carrying members of the United Mine Workers of America.:p

The news article said that the victim's body was decomposed. So a significant amount of time has now passed since the crime occurred. This, along with the fact the people in Appalachia have a strong distrust of outsiders (in particular folks in positions of authority) and tend to keep to themselves greatly reduces the chances of finding any credible evidence or leads in the case.

So what's really said is that they'll probably never find the killer, whoever it may be. And the poor guy was only doing this part time for supplemental income.
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Liberal or conservative. IMO, we all have some of both in us. It all depends on the issue at hand. What we believe or were thaught. I never have pulled a straight ticket in the booth.

Sometimes I would have my union brothers mad at me for voting republican. Then other times some at my church would be mad 'cause I voted for a democrat. I cant winn...:lol:
This, along with the fact the people in Appalachia have a strong distrust of outsiders (in particular folks in positions of authority) and tend to keep to themselves greatly reduces the chances of finding any credible evidence or leads in the case.

Address canvassing is done by local people that work in the same community they live in. How do i know?

My wife worked as an address canvasser for the Census this year.

This isn't about an "outsider" in a local hick town. This is some whack job that thinks the Census is a government ploy to start the invasion of homes. The person, or persons, have killed a neighbor just doing his job.

Nobody will ever know what exactly happened. The victim could have had the chance to fire one shot. that one shot could have saved his life. It might not have, but it could have. Without having the opportunity to arm ones self gives you NO CHANCE to protect yourself.

"But he said police haven't determined whether his death was a homicide, suicide or accident."

hmmmmmm.......A lot of assumptions have already been made about this "crime".

Just the facts ma'am: DEAD guy, HANGING by neck, "FED" written on him AND he was inside somebodies house or whatever. Do we have any rocket scientists here? (those who are, don't respond, we know who you are)

My brother works for the power company here and one day was pulling a new line down a sandy road in the Pine Barrens, came upon a cabin. Some guy stood up grabbed a shotgun from behind him and yelled "Get off my land". Dave never went back, they rewound the cable back on the spool and left...

So no matter where you go, people just want thier privacy on the bit 'O heaven they own. Nuff Said.
Sparkman, 51, was found strangled Sept. 12 with a rope around his neck near a cemetery in a heavily wooded area of the Daniel Boone National Forest in southeastern Kentucky.

On Tuesday, authorities for the first time released key details such as Sparkman's wrists being bound so loosely that he could have done the taping himself. Kentucky State Police Capt. Lisa Rudzinski said an analysis found that the "fed" on his chest was written "from the bottom up."

He was touching the ground almost to his knees, and to survive "all Mr. Sparkman had to do at any time was stand up," she said.