Job 1 Blown

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S Kalama

Jul 28, 2001
Reaction score
Honolulu, HI
Aloha Y'all! Well it looks like I'm getting a job 2 insteard of job 1. The (cute) sales guy called and said that they are not getting any deliveries to Hawaii in July and that I have to get a job 2. Before he said anything else I said "that's no problem, just as long as the color doesn't have to change" just to have a little fun with him and make him sweat a little (I had mineral grey ordered which is discontinued for job 2). There was a long uncomfortable pause and then I told him I was just having some fun because I knew the colors are changing (from you awesome guys on this site!!). I'll probably order the Stone whatever-its-called and totally black out the windows. Should look pretty cool. I'm getting the limited 8 cyl fairly loaded.

Quick question I forgot to ask the new Trac easier to see over the dash? I'm super short (4'10") and it seemed like I had a better view of the road in the '07...or maybe I was just overthinking details during the test drive. I ordered the adjustable pedals which I hope help a bit and so I'm not so close to the airbag.

I guess I won't be able to add any pics of me and the new Trac to my library for a little while longer (I'm guessing Sept delivery)...more time to go to the gym first, haha.

Take Care,

Much Aloha,

The power drivers seat goes up, I almost bumped my head on the headliner when I sat in the Orange Frost ST in Louisville. (I could see over the dash pretty easy, but then again I'm almost 6 ft tall, so not much help there)

Did you order the new one with the power rear window?
Thanks Larry. If the seat raises higher that was probably it. I did order the power rear window. I need that for when I back up at night because I tint the windows really dark. I'll probably add a rear backup sensor too. I've bumbed the back of the Trac a million times.
I don't know if you can get it yet, but I seem to remember hearing about a rear sensing device going to be added soon or in August. I know when we were in Louisville it was said that in August the navigation system and the rear overhead DVD system would be added. I'll be keeping my 2001 till then at least.
Kalaupapa - Try FedEx 2-day from Louisville, li'dat. Mo' fas'. :p:p:p

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Kalama, if the seat is not tall enough for you then I will volunteer to come to Hawaii, sit in your new Trac and then let you sit in my lap. :lol::blink:
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TomT: now that's the spirit of helpfulness!

Remove "Job 1" from the title of this thread :)
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R...Kalaupapa? I look like one Hansen's patient or what? :). How you can be from Hawaii and only have one letter in your name? Maybe you stay one Pirate? :D I checked Louisville, they only get tree day FedEx li dat. Laters! :cool: