Eh - I go Zippy's 2am git wonton min....brok' da (serious) MOUT! Wash 'em down w/ one bamboocha slice o' haupia cake. Oh yah if I still hungry, brown rice and chili going get 'em. hehe
Las Vegas?! I t'ink da only food locals eat ovah deah is In&Out Burger (and dat's Califonian! go figgah) And anyting wid one "buffet" sign. lol
Robert/Roland "da kine"?! Auwe! hehe My friend in a hula halau said get pleny dakine guys in dea too. We would *nevah* go do' dat @ Damien.
'K, so like if you going get leather in yo' trac, not going get hot at da beach?! No can get leather in XLT, you know. Cooled seats steh only in da Lincoln, I not dat rich. And fo'get black. hehe Heat up too fas'! Mineral Gray/Stone colors mo bettah tho.
I going buy one next yea wen i get mo money. (Dat and all da cool tings comin'DAT.)
I like one Zip pac to go, please,
-R (da oddah "flip" on hea.......sup Manang!!!)