JeffC, TomT, I simply think Judge Judy was out of line.
Yes, there was no doubt in my mind the seller was hoping to scam someone too stupid to read the listing. They were counting on the old saying "A fool and their money are soon parted."
Regarding the listing giving the full specs of the phone, it should be noted that it's a very common eBay practice to auction off coupons, vouchers and email info on how to get "cheap" products. The description of such auctions typically showcase the product and therefore it's not uncommon to see weight, color, and other attributes listed in the description. The description of the product in such listings should not lead one to believe they are getting the actual product.
JJ had no reason to bring the kid, child protective service and the IRS into things. That's where she crossed the line. The girl, technically did nothing illegal, and then Judge Judy went on to verbally bitchslap and threaten her.