Interesting ! And also proves a point, that we as Americans have lost control of our country. The citizens have little voice and Money is the only spoken language.
I agree that we should have a flat tax system...Lets say something like in the 12% to 15% range with no exemptions and no exceptions. Each individual would be allowed an exemption on the first $15k to $20k of income. No other exemptions or deduction would apply. No Mortgage Interest, not other Tax write offs, not Charity write offs, and no Medical write offs.
Businesses would be required to meet a similar requirement with severe restrictions on companies who shelter excessive profits to avoid taxes. Businesses would receive some tax credits only for hiring and keep more workers and paying them higher salaries. Corporations that pay executives more than 100 times more than the lowest salaried worker will pay more corporate taxes than one who pays executives less. Businesses and taxes should be structured to promote and advance all Citizens and workers, and not just the top executives.
Of course, for anything to work the American people have to win back the government from the politicians. That means term limits, Ethics, campaign reform, taking the money out of politics and reducing the power or banning political parties.
A recent survey shows that the majority (51%) of American voters are moderates on most issues, while only 21% are Liberals, and 28% are Conservatives. However every election we typically only have the most extreme Liberal and the extreme Conservative candidates to choose from....No wonder we complain that we only have a choice between the lesser of two evils.