Just bought Royal Purple Oil, but my buddy

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zach harrison

Active Member
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Fulton, MO
said to beware. He uses Valvoline Maxlife Blend and for some reason has been told to stay away from Full Synthetic Oils.He just turned 200k in his Explorer so its hard to argue with him but I'm actually really excited to get the RP in, and have already purchased it already, but is there any negatives besides price to using this stuff! Seems to be the websites overall #1.


how many miles on your Trac???

Also the max life is decent stuff, BUT all it is is an oil with seal swelling additives to help prevent leaks..

Todd Z
My 2000 Explorer 5.0 now has 265,000 miles on it, since about 10,000 miles the oil has been changed every 5K with Mobil 1 full synthetic. The motor has never been touched aside from 1 alternator, and that has nothing to do with the oil. It still runs perfect, has absolutely no oil leaks anywhere, and burns no oil between changes. Recently, Mobil 1 oil has been shown to have less durability than several other synthetics (including RP), and has still performed to this level. You do the math!
I just read this the other night.

Very interesting reading about oils (synthetics & petroleum based).

There' s some gobilly goop sections, but you can scroll past them easy enough.

At the very end are test results from most north American oil brands on the market.

See how your brand stacks up!

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Ha, theres some good stuff in there though. For instance, I will be flushing my old oil with a new filter, before putting in the synthetic. I'm wondering if I should use a cheaper filter for the flush? Opinions?

Ha, theres some good stuff in there though. For instance, I will be flushing my old oil with a new filter, before putting in the synthetic. I'm wondering if I should use a cheaper filter for the flush? Opinions?

What you should do is flush the engine with a product called Auto-RX (link below). Change the oil with cheap oil and filter (NOT Fram), add ARX, drive 1500 miles, change oil and filter again, drive 1500 miles on plain oil, change it again with synthetic.

Looking back at UOA's posted on www.BobIsTheOilGuy.com, Mobil 1 is good but not as good as it used to be.

I got better UOA's with Pennzoil Platinum than Mobil 1, as did many folks at Bob's.

Max Life is a syn blend and is a very good oil.

The Motor Oil Bible was written by a shill for Amsoil, which is not bad stuff, but I think it's overpriced and I don't care for the network marketing sales approach.
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Guess I'm being lazy but I think I'll just switch filters, let it idle for 20 minutes, then put in the Synthetic with the good filter. It runs super smooth already.
There is a lot of heresayand misinformation out there on synthetic oils... If someone tells you that the stuff is bad, then they are misinformed with 20 year old data and conclusions. Synthetic is the way to go. Changing synthetic at 5000 miles is, IMHO, a waste of money... Conventional oil would be fine with that interval. I got 205000 miles out of my Aerostar, still ran like new at 6-8k change intervals... My '02 trac gets either Mobil1 or Castrol GTX full synthetic, with a change interval of 12-15k miles... It has 125,000 on it noW.... JMO...
Thats what I like to hear. Tanner, did you run them from day 1 on Synth? And if you switched at some point, did you do a flush before using synth?
Zach, on my last truck, I switched to RP from conventional at 120k. No flush. Just regular oil change. I just sold it at over 160k, still purring like a kitten.
Switched to synthetic on every vehicle I've owned since 1985. (85 Mustang GT, 88 Suzuki Samurai, 92 Ranger, 00 Dodge Dakota, 01 Harley Road King, 01 Mazda Tribute, 03 Mazda Tribute, 03 ST) Never flushed anything. Never had any oil related issues. Not real picky about miles between changes, about 5 - 6k maybe a few more. Try to use NAPA gold filters and Mobil 1 as much as possible.

Will synthetic run better, probably not, but it protects better.
The purple is in, no flush. Motorcraft filter. Seems to be purring at least as good as it did. Will proceed to switch all oils to synth as I go. Thanks for the insight!

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