Just did a internet search on Wayne Foy

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Shooting for solid mid 11 slips with the new mill

This entry was last updated on Tuesday May 16, 2006 at 12:02 PM EDT

The entry was updated in MAY the WEB page was updated yesterday....

Doesn't mean it was Wyane.... believe me, He was not there... That truck is not even running properly any more..

Todd Z
wwashing, NO, I would never do that. Since he has dropped off radar I thought I would check the internet to see if there was a news article or something, but I did not find one. So I have to think that he is O.K. I also found him as a sponsor at the site below (a Northern California Ford Focus site), but I haven't contacted them to see if he is on their radar.
What is that series of numbers for nextel?


it was on wayne foys sponser ad over there at the Norcal focus website

Don Monkeyboy
Hypillauto does not exisit anymore. Someone forgot to pay the bill.... Last I heard he was also dropped as a sponsor of that site, and SCT does not show him as a vendor anymore either. His wife says that he has a second job now and that is why he is so busy...but he abandoned his first job it looks like to do his second. Hope it is a good job..lol. (btw--his wife no longer responds to emails either now....)
Don, That is a two way Nextel number, I haven't checked to see if it is his or not...

Todd Z
That dragstrip is Virginia Motorsport Park located near Dinwiddie, Va. That pic wasn't shot this year either. Budweiser signage is there where the pic has WELCOME FANS.