Just ordered a new TV!!

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As long as it's not Plasma... waiste of money.

How is the LCD from different angles? The only thing bad about the non cathode-ray tube Television is color isn't true...The closest is plasma, but the gas will run ouT of them eventually and it will either have to be refilled or replaced... not too good when it's so pricey.

My Toshiba laptop is nice, but damn its lcd screen when watching movies...
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We have a Sony Wega and love it! I love being able to take pictures on Christmas morning than pop my memory stick in the front of our tv and watch a slide show while we eat breakfast with my family. -Heather :)
<-- sony dealer here... so I might be a little biased but i love the sony tv's the only thing I have against plasmas is the shelf life, after 10,000 hours of tv timthe they are burned out and that I know of they are just a giant paper weight after that. Now I dont know how much of a couch potato people are on here but it would take me a long darn time to use up 10,000 hours (mind you when I get my xbox360 i might but into that a fair amount...hahaha).

I have a 42 inch plasma.....10,000 hours of TV is going to take me a loooooong time to accomplish. Extended warranty takes care of the rest, lol
Big D, this discussion of "burn out" of plasmas has come up here before. Many advocates say it's bunk or over-hyped as an issue. Still, 10,000, even if accurate is a lot. It's like 5 hours a day, each day of the year, for 5.5 years.

I think of it this way, if the phospors (or whatever) get totally wacked at 10,000 hours (or whatever it is) then do they get slightly wacked (fuzzier?) at, oh, say 2000 hours, 5000?

My 55" Mitsu rear-proj HD tv still looks good to me!

I won't replace it until I have to, or until I can replace it for same size for UNDER $1K *and* get a MUCH better picture.

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Just bought a 8th generation Panasonic 42 Plasma TV 60,000 hours life expectancies. At 7 hours a day that is over 23 years.:wub:

Mark S

What they say and what actually happens are two different things. No matter if it says 2 days or 20 years, I (<---ME) just think that if I have a TV that I spent close to what a used car cost, I'd hope it would last... I'll wait till they are able to do true color (I do a lot of film work, so editing and getting colors just right is critical)... that's why I use a Cathode Ray tube monitor.

My opinion.
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I went through all the bunk about how long does a Plasma tv last compared to lcd, dlp, etc.

All I could tell is that each one will eventually burn, or need bulbs replacing. Each has its own advantages (lcd's are not good for sports due to slow relay time: dlp's need the bulbs to be replaced after 10,000 hours: plasma's are supposed to last to 60,000 hours, but you may notic e slight burn after half that time. Ease up on the display qualities of your plasma, don't leave the tv on for unnecessary reasons, and I feel they are the best buys out there. Of course, depends on what you want your tv for. More the reason to trust Sony over many other tv copmanies, is that they make quality video products.


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